3 5 4 I N D E X Publishers (cont.) 157, proposes English edition of collection of AE’s articles, 248–249 Springer, 88, 97, 187, 225, 276, 309, 329 Teubner, 246, 253, 276, 319, 322, 329 Vieweg, 155, 187–188, 209, 228, 248–251, 271–272, 276, 326, 328, 330 Pulsack, Elise: 135 dispute on room for Pauline Einstein, 165 Quantum theory: 193 AE dissatisfied with, 47 rotational energy of gas molecules, Polányi on, 268–269 theoretical foundation of chem- ical constant, vapor pressure constant and Nernst’s theorem, 290 weights of quantum states, 288. See also EINSTEIN, ALBERT: SCI- ENCE: Quantum theory, Unified field theory Quaternions, 228 Radbruch, Gustav (1878–1949), 18 Radek (Sobelsohn), Karl (1885–1939), 237 Radiation of charged sphere rotating around a gravitational source, 54 Radiation theory, Kottler on, 227 Radicalism, Paul Natorp on, 52 Radiometer: 26–29 Westphal on, 101–102 Rappard, William (1883–1958), and relief for postwar Poland, 121 Ratnowsky, Simon (1884–1945): 113, 234, 247 financial situation, 207 position at Universi- ty of Zurich, 233–234 Rausch von Traubenberg, Heinrich (1880– 1944): experiments with homogeneous cath- ode rays, 215 requests AE’s help to obtain position, 177–178 Red giant stars, distribution in globular clusters of, 168 Redshift, general: of star light, calculations for globular clusters, 168 of solar spectral lines, 20, 200, 214, 245, explained by anomalous dispersion by solar atmosphere, 162, 164, 174, 290 caused by Doppler effect, 200 ex- plained by Earth’s repulsion of light, 174 Redshift, gravitational: as test of general relativ- ity, 141, 146 explained in terms of equiva- lence principle, 184 half-shift prediction of, 17 Guillaume on, 233 of star light, 12–14, 179, 275 of solar spectral lines, 14, 20, 47– 48, 63, 179, 199–200, 201, 206, 208, 213– 214, 245, 256, 282, 295, 296, 307, criticism of negative findings, 196, 214–215, 245, neg- ative findings, 48, 63, 146, 214, 295, 296, 307 as result of compensating effects, 63 Redshift measurements: by Grebe and Bachem, difficulties, 158 spectral oven for, 89, 103, 275 Regener, Erich (1881–1955), 177 Reiche, Fritz (1883–1969), 41 Reichenbach, Hans (1891–1953): 73 on Kant and general relativity, 317 Reichstag, and German League for the Protec- tion of Germans Outside Germany, 211 Reissner, Hans (1874–1967), lectures on Weyl’s theory, 279 Relativity: AE on further development, 282 and monism, 315 and philosophy of As If, 304– 305 British interest in as means of reconcili- ation, 267 historical development of, 148, 161–162 public opinion in England, 272 Relativity, general theory of: and Kant, 317 and neo-Kantianism, 120 and overdetermination of classical variables, 308 Born lectures on, 153, 236 radiation of charged sphere rotating around gravitational source, 54 research funded by Prussian state, 165 reservations of Potsdam astronomers toward, 88–89 rigidi- ty, concept of in, 77–78 rigidity, concept of treatment missing, Silberstein on, 292–293 rotating disk paradox, 65–66, 77–78 Schwarzschild solution, 62 Weyl’s path to, AE on, 44 without gravitational redshift, Larmor on, 146 Relativity, special theory of: motion of electrons as confirmation of, 214 rigidity in, 292 Relief and Works Agency for Palestine, 113 Relief work: in Austria, British, 188 in Germa- ny, American, 237, British, 237 Revenge idea in Germany, AE on, 68, 74 Rey Pastor, Julio (1888–1962): invites AE to lec- ture in Spain, 327 proposes Spanish edition of AE’s popular book on relativity, 328 Rey, Abel (1873–1940), on French edition of AE’s scientific papers, 250 Reynolds, Osborne (1842–1912), on radiometer, 28 Richter, Ernst von (1862–1935), on Nicolai, 293 Ridder, Carel J. de, 253 Riehl, Alois (1844–1924), 120
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