D O C . 3 2 6 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 0 2 7 1 How painful her passing away is to me! Although I knew that our farewells in Oct. in Lucerne[2] —were to part us forever, that never again could we hope to see each other—yet only now do I feel it completely—that now I have a life without Pauline.—Once again a person who was a necessity to my life has been taken away from me.— From your card, dear Frau Elsa, I sensed what the coming days held in store for us—& then, in the eve. already, the telegram arrived. It seems there was quite a sud- den turn for the worse. Uremia must have developed! She seems to have [been] ful- ly aware of her condition, [for] how adeptly & how eagerly did she let herself be deluded about that even in October![3] —Now I am constantly recalling the hours we spent together then! How happy I am that you could offer her the choice of com- ing to your home—of dying in your home.[4] What a relief for all of you! I am depriving myself of paying her the last honors. My thoughts are with her a thousand-fold. Maja is probably there[5] —please give her this letter & encourage her please to come and see me when she returns home. I want to tell her that I will stand by her now doubly, as mother & friend.– You too have all become so familiar & close to me through Pauline perhaps this inner bond may last & we shall be able to hear from one another from time to time. I send each & every one of you my greetings & I share with you the deepest sorrow about our Pauline’s passing! Guste Hochberger. 326. From Robert W. Lawson The Physics Laboratory, The University, Sheffield. 22 February 1920 Dear Professor, Many cordial thanks for your two letters of the 4th and 7th inst.[1] I have mean- while heard from Vieweg about the translation rights for America and Methuen is currently negotiating with a publisher there re. the Am. edition. I should learn of the results only in about a week but then I shall write you promptly. I am delighted that you are traveling to England and I would like to use this oc- casion to make your acquaintance. I should have no trouble recognizing you imme- diately, since I still remember vividly the scientists’ convention of 1913 in Vienna where I saw you frequently and although I did not meet you personally was on many occasions among your party.[2] You are presumably coming over during the Easter holidays and I will do my utmost to see whether I can’t make my way to Cambridge. However, I am going to spend part of the vacation at my parents’ home (near Newcastle-on-Tyne) and as travel presently is not trivial here either—for