I N D E X 3 4 1 ject to lecture on, 4 newspaper reports, 161, 186, 197 Prague, time in, 133 prefers people with worries to sat- isfied ones, 3 as sponger, 101 over- burdened, 76, 159, 247, 282 overvalued, 219 on his own writings, 200–201, 246 youth, 38, 300, 303– 304 History, on, 50 Hurwitz, Ida, condolences on death of husband, 144 Inherited characteristics, interest in, 313 Karamazov Brothers, enjoys, 301, 308 Konen, Heinrich, qualifications of, 83 Lorentz, Hendrik A., comparisons of teaching ability with, 214 Lorenz, Richard, as being confused, 169 Marriage: not allowed to remarry for two years, 6 to Elsa Einstein, 45–46 Moos, August, intercedes on behalf of, 133 Moszkowki, Alexander, visits with, 82 Mother: 178, 204, 213, 246, 277 Berlin, moving to, 35, 130, 178, 181, 185 room for, 135 Music: sends scores to Hans Albert Ein- stein, 278, 306 with Ehrenfest, 130, 164 with Hans Albert Einstein, 71 with Julius’s daughters, 164 new vio- lin, 300 Nephew, on his stuttering, 83 Nicolai, Georg, compassion for, 236 Oriental mentality, 198 Planck, Max: congratulates for Nobel prize, 142 visits with, 157 would stay in Berlin for, 199 Popper-Lynkeus, modesty of, 257 con- tributes to fund for, 257 Potsdam, plan to move to, 83 Prussian Public Library, donating his cor- respondence to, 201 Religious affiliation, 45, 275, 288 Religious organizations, as still neces- sary, 216 Research, no progress in his, 83, 162, 164, 178, 282, 307 Sailing, in Berlin, 80, 82 Schaefer, Clemens, scientific contribu- tions of, 83 Schleusner, Thea, portrait by, 206 Schlick, Moritz, requests higher royalties for, 238 Schrödinger, Erwin, mastery of general relativity, 181 Seelig, Carl, looks forward meeting, 201 Silhouettes, of family, sends to Paul Op- penheim, 217 Smekal, Jan, gifted, 223 Sommerfeld, Arnold, uncomfortable with personality of, 237 Sons: Hans-Albert, technical inclinations of, 163, misses, 198, vacationing with, 50, 71, 278–279, 300–301, 306 Students, Berlin University, on his, 267 Teweles, Heinrich, pleasure with article by, 196 Thirring, Hans, mastery of general relativ- ity, 181 Tree of Knowledge, 80, 117, 137 Weyl, Hermann, financial situation of, 43 Visa, Dutch, problems with, 87, 99, 115, 307 PHILOSOPHY: on causal and teleological per- ception of phenomena, 80 on cognition, 80 Drill, critique of article by, 169–170 Enriques, on his theory of science, 320 on fictions in Als-Ob philosophy, 29–30 on Kant’s conception of time, 87 on nihilism, 80 on Nützlichkeitsprinzip, 80 on Reichenbach, 317 on relativity and monism, 315 on Schlick’s book, 29 on Sellien’s dissertation, 87, 120 on Study, 29 on Stumpf’s paper, 157 not well versed, in 29 POLITICS: Academics, German, deploring attitude of, 276 Allies, on behavior of, 170 Appeal of the German Intellect for Social- ism, 34 Bahn, Otto, praises, 298 Berliner Tageblatt, on hypocrisy of, 15 Blockade: of Germany, intellectual, teaches humility, 68, 93 of Russia, protests against, 119 Bolsheviks, 236 Bolshevism: fear of, in Switzerland, as a psychosis, 185 in Germany, expects, 15
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