3 4 0 I N D E X EINSTEIN, ALBERT (1879–1955): JEWISH MAT- TERS (cont.) cannot attend, 181, invited, 125, 152– 153, plans to participate in, 178, 185, recommends Ehrenfest, 136 for East European Jewish students, 136, 212 interested in, 85 involvement in, 132– 133 no teaching because of lack of knowledge of Hebrew, 85 on being funded by world Jewry, 106 on close ties with institute of technology, 162 on European quality of, 106 on plans for, 212, 282 recommends Courant for professorship, 133 recommends Ehrenfest for professorship, 133 rec- ommends Epstein for professorship, 105, 132–133 recommends Landau for professorship, 133 on his Jewishness, 106, 288, 304 on Jewish homeland in Palestine, 10, 106, 132, 186 on Jews, 10, 179 Eastern European Jews, petition to hold courses for, 264–265 Appeal “Für den Aufbau des jüdischen Palästina,” signs, 113 Zionism, on his support for, 105 LECTURES: at PAW, 35 at University of Os- lo, planned, 306 Monistenbund, 35 So- cialist Student Association, on principle of relativity, 15, 18 University of Leyden, inaugural, 213, 214, 219, 246, 289, 297, Dutch pamphlet of, 282, 307. See also EINSTEIN, ALBERT: COURSES OPINION ON: academics, 114 the Berliner Tageblatt, 185 Debye’s paper, 319 Dutch and Swiss fostering science, 300 Freundlich’s book, 89 Kohlschütter’s pa- per, 9 Konen, 114 Lánczos’s disserta- tion, 228 Pauli, 181 possibility of change in human beings, 80 Sommerfeld’s book, 237 Spengler’s book, 237–238 use of or- ganizations, 108 visit to England, 249 PERSONAL: 40th birthday, 15 Aardenne, Gijsbert v., as lovely man, 213 Academics: 79, 249 in Göttingen, 283 Arithmetical miscalculation, 282 Barbusse, Henri, deep sympathy for, 201 Bernoulli, as being incompetent, 300 Besso, Michele, as embodiment of Bud- dah, 198 Born, Hedwig: on style of, 169 recom- mends experimental work to, 238 Born, Max: high appreciation of, 283 looks forward to book by, 319 propos- es he stay in Frankfurt, 283 Brandhuber, Camillus, visits with, 71–72 Citizenship, 173, 317 Dällenbach, Walter, on future of, 97 Debye, Peter, as gifted, 278 Ehrenfest, Anna and Tatiana, violins for, 162, 175, 213, 246, 282–283, 307 Ehrenfests: his affection for, 135–136 pi- ano for, 175 Ehrenhaft, Felix, qualifications of, 223 Einstein, Hans Albert, constructs airplane with, 71, 164 Einstein, Edith, helps with dissertation of, 71 Einstein-Maric , Mileva, divorce from, 5– 8 Family, Swiss, move to Germany: 115, 119, 127, 140, 144, 170, 178, 185– 186, 198, 204, 206, 208 postpones, 163 Franck, James, praise for scientific achievements of, 229 Freedom, for the individual, 216 Freundlich, Erwin, requests higher royal- ties for, 238 Germany: decision to remain in, 15, 86, 110, 119, 144, 186, 198–199 efforts to keep him in, 87 on possible financial necessity to leave, 306 social environ- ment in, 198 on suffering in, 306 Guillaume, Edouard, stupidity in dealing with relativity, 276 Health problems, 3, 9, 15, 50, 80, 87, 93, 135, 181, 200 on himself: 197, 213, 216, 219, 283, 288, 307 attachment to individuals, not to country, 44 Bern, time in, 178 Bol- shevik, being thought of as, 185 fame, 169, 178, 197, 204 impracticality, 307 his “gypsy life,” 163 liberation from the merely personal, 29 loneli- ness, in Zurich, 199 has no new sub-