D O C S . 5 0 5 2 J U N E 1 9 1 9 4 3 have received a considerable raise in salary. Academic activities have suffered very much in the last few months, though, from the constant uncertainty. Please also write me how you are doing, both regarding your health and otherwise. With cor- dial greetings, yours, Philipp Frank. 50. From Roland Holder Küsnacht, Zürich, 30 May 1919 Highly esteemed Prof. Einstein, I noted with pleasure your kind letter of the 18th instant[1] and I thank you heart- ily for your kind attitude. It is not only a pleasure for me but an honor to be able to offer your son some- thing of my modest experience, and my pleasure should be redoubled if the little that I am in the position to give to your son can be of practical use. Your son’s extremely effortless adaptability will make the lessons agreeable for me. In thanking you again for your friendly letter, I am, with utmost respect, your most devoted servant, Rol. Holder. 51. From Heinrich Zangger [before 1 June 1919] [Not selected for translation.] 52. To Heinrich Zangger [Berlin,] 1 June 1919 Dear friend Zangger, Your letter[1] just arrived and it jolts my bad conscience about not writing. Un- fortunately I can’t find out anymore what the flu tablets that caused those horrible conditions for Else were called.[2] They were bought here, where in the current dis- array all forms of control are lacking. I can’t imagine that Weyl would be depressed
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

D O C S . 5 0 5 2 J U N E 1 9 1 9 4 3 have received a considerable raise in salary. Academic activities have suffered very much in the last few months, though, from the constant uncertainty. Please also write me how you are doing, both regarding your health and otherwise. With cor- dial greetings, yours, Philipp Frank. 50. From Roland Holder Küsnacht, Zürich, 30 May 1919 Highly esteemed Prof. Einstein, I noted with pleasure your kind letter of the 18th instant[1] and I thank you heart- ily for your kind attitude. It is not only a pleasure for me but an honor to be able to offer your son some- thing of my modest experience, and my pleasure should be redoubled if the little that I am in the position to give to your son can be of practical use. Your son’s extremely effortless adaptability will make the lessons agreeable for me. In thanking you again for your friendly letter, I am, with utmost respect, your most devoted servant, Rol. Holder. 51. From Heinrich Zangger [before 1 June 1919] [Not selected for translation.] 52. To Heinrich Zangger [Berlin,] 1 June 1919 Dear friend Zangger, Your letter[1] just arrived and it jolts my bad conscience about not writing. Un- fortunately I can’t find out anymore what the flu tablets that caused those horrible conditions for Else were called.[2] They were bought here, where in the current dis- array all forms of control are lacking. I can’t imagine that Weyl would be depressed

