D O C S . 1 9 0 , 1 9 1 D E C E M B E R 1 9 1 9 1 6 3 Affectionate greetings also to your wife, Aunt, and the whole little company, from your Einstein Regards to Aardenne.[23] 190. To Mileva Einstein-Maric [Berlin,] 5 December 1919 Dear Mileva, Today I received your letter. It seems that a kind of vagrant existence is our des- tiny. Under prevailing conditions I can understand you well. So we’ll postpone the moving problem tentatively by half a year.[1] Time brings wisdom. You shall im- mediately receive from Mr. Karr 4000 marks which, although not expendable in Switzerland, certainly are expendable in Hungary.[2] If you wish, in the future I’ll send your money to Dr. Zürcher.[3] I have not done so until now only because I did not want to impose on him unnecessarily. In what manner should I have the requi- site money reach Prof. Zangger and Aegeri?[4] Everything is so unclear to me write me more about that before you leave. Take little hand luggage along, just one small suitcase that you can sit on in an emergency, or better yet, a small folding chair. Traveling is presently awfully exhausting. I would prefer it, too, of course, if Albert did not have to change schools, but not because he should finish as soon as possible.[5] He should be able to experience his schooling peacefully as long as he is in the formative years and not think about a career too soon. I imagine he will study engineering. To do so, he should get as much time as I also had. Wishing you a good trip, yours, Albert. Don’t worry! If I can arrange it, I’ll gladly leave you together in Zurich, especially if you manage to make do with less money. I might even succeed in earning foreign currency and that way secure your stay in Zurich. 191. To Hans Albert and Eduard Einstein [Berlin, 5 December 1919][1] Dear Adn and dear Tete, Your letters delighted me. I’ll send Tete the music he wants very soon. I am sorry that you have to move yet again, d[ear] Tete, and this even before your performance at school! I hope you don’t get the mumps from Albert just before the departure.[2]
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D O C S . 1 9 0 , 1 9 1 D E C E M B E R 1 9 1 9 1 6 3 Affectionate greetings also to your wife, Aunt, and the whole little company, from your Einstein Regards to Aardenne.[23] 190. To Mileva Einstein-Maric [Berlin,] 5 December 1919 Dear Mileva, Today I received your letter. It seems that a kind of vagrant existence is our des- tiny. Under prevailing conditions I can understand you well. So we’ll postpone the moving problem tentatively by half a year.[1] Time brings wisdom. You shall im- mediately receive from Mr. Karr 4000 marks which, although not expendable in Switzerland, certainly are expendable in Hungary.[2] If you wish, in the future I’ll send your money to Dr. Zürcher.[3] I have not done so until now only because I did not want to impose on him unnecessarily. In what manner should I have the requi- site money reach Prof. Zangger and Aegeri?[4] Everything is so unclear to me write me more about that before you leave. Take little hand luggage along, just one small suitcase that you can sit on in an emergency, or better yet, a small folding chair. Traveling is presently awfully exhausting. I would prefer it, too, of course, if Albert did not have to change schools, but not because he should finish as soon as possible.[5] He should be able to experience his schooling peacefully as long as he is in the formative years and not think about a career too soon. I imagine he will study engineering. To do so, he should get as much time as I also had. Wishing you a good trip, yours, Albert. Don’t worry! If I can arrange it, I’ll gladly leave you together in Zurich, especially if you manage to make do with less money. I might even succeed in earning foreign currency and that way secure your stay in Zurich. 191. To Hans Albert and Eduard Einstein [Berlin, 5 December 1919][1] Dear Adn and dear Tete, Your letters delighted me. I’ll send Tete the music he wants very soon. I am sorry that you have to move yet again, d[ear] Tete, and this even before your performance at school! I hope you don’t get the mumps from Albert just before the departure.[2]

