7 2 D O C S . 8 7 , 8 8 A U G U S T 1 9 1 9 87. To Pauline Einstein Benzingen, Saturday. [9 August 1919] Dear Mother, After another three days’ sojourn in Zurich, which I spent very satisfactorily with Albert, I departed Thursday, first to Habicht in Schaffhausen. It was high time too, for Thursday evening the lioness came back to her den.[1] The trip was ex- tremely tiring, so I can truly speak of luck that I was not affected by it. Here at the priest’s[2] it is as pretty as ever. It is only next Thursday that I shall be traveling back with Fidelia and her young ones to Berlin.[3] I hope the wonderful weather these days is doing you good, so that the bad foot gets back to normal.[4] Here we have to count on spending the winter without heat.[5] Just thinking about it makes you almost turn into a chunk of ice. Affectionate regards from your Albert Best wishes to Maja, Pauli, and the nurse.[6] 88. To Pauline Einstein [Berlin,] Saturday. [16 August 1919] Dear Mother, Yesterday I arrived here safely and met everyone, except for the children,[1] in the best of health. The latter went to the sea for three weeks to recover. All three were deeply concerned and made many inquiries about you one can see that they are very attached to you.[2] We all are very eager to have you live with us.[3] In the meantime, though, be patient and enjoy the things that are available to you there, also the nurse and Mrs. Dann,[4] to both of whom I send kind regards. It is a great consolation for me to know that you are entrusted into the care of such good people. My cordial regards also to the ever-busy and good-humored doctor, Fräulein Tobler, especially since I did not properly take my leave of her.[5] At Brandhuber’s it was extremely nice.[6] One is reminded a bit of the land of milk and honey over there. I traveled with Fidelia and Inge, who mothered and daughtered me in the friendliest way.[7] Here everything seems gradually to straighten itself out again peace slowly is bringing back normal conditions. I did not see my little boy any- more he was still staying in Rheinfelden.[8] But with Albert I spent another two fine days, then one more evening at the Habicht home in Schaffhausen.[9] Heartfelt greetings to you, Maja, and Pauli,[10] y[ours], Albert.