3 5 8 I N D E X Weinstein, Alexander (1897–?), 113 Weiss, Pierre (1865–1940), 78, 98, 134 Weizmann, Chaim (1874–1952), lays foundation stone for Hebrew University, 152 Wertheimer, Max (1880–1943), 122 Westphal, Wilhelm (1882–1978): 27 on theory of radiometer, 101–102 Wettstein, Richard (1863–1931): 260, 270 re- quests AE’s opinion on Ehrenhaft, 260–261 Weyl, Hermann (1885–1955): 113, 129, 199, 236, 264, 322 AE on, 44 considered for po- sition at University of Halle, 54 expanding general relativity, AE on, 44, 246, 278 finan- cial difficulties, 43 health problems, 278 plans lecturing at University of Göttingen, 48 Space-Time-Matter, 279, 329 theory of, 21, 178 Eddington on, 159 Fokker on, 63– 64 measuring rod objection to, 49, 184 Pauli on, 162 Weyssenhoff, Johann (Jan) V. von (1889–1972), 113 Wien, Wilhelm (1864–1928): 123, 129, 186, 310, 210 opposes new journals of DPG, 180 Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von (1848– 1931): 317 meets with AE, 317 political dif- ferences with AE, 317 Wildbolz affair, 90 Wildhagen, Max (1888–1960), 68–69 Wilouner, (?), 135 Winteler, Paul (1882–1952): 59, 71–72, 83, 98, 130, 329 marriage problems of, 178, 206 Winteler-Einstein, Maja (1881–1951): 15, 59, 67, 71–72, 77, 83, 98–99, 119, 130, 271, 300, 329 arrives in Berlin, 204 marriage prob- lems of, 178, 206 Wirtinger, Wilhelm (1865–1935), 244 Wittfeld, Gustav (1855–1923), proposes test of Lense–Thirring precession, 150 Wittig, Hans, 322 dedicates dissertation to AE, 323 extends concept of energy conservation to psychology, 322 Wolfer, Alfred (1854–1931), 191 Wolfke, Mieczyslaw W., 113 Wundt, Wilhelm (1832–1920), 321 Zahn, H. (1877–1952), 41 Zangger, Heinrich (1874–1957): 8, 11, 43–44, 51, 113, 163, 185, 197, 208, 261, 300, 320 Hans Albert Einstein boards with, 185, 198, 204, 278 on transport of Pauline Einstein, 128 takes care of AE’s sons, 301 visits Pauline Einstein, 51, 58 Zangwill, Israel (1864–1926), novels on Jewish ghetto life by, 253 Zeeman, Pieter (1865–1943): 81, 84, 149, 179, 311 on velocity of light in moving solids, 124, 179–180 Zeitschrift für Physik, 180, 187 Zermelo, Ernst F. (1871–1953), 113 Zernike, Frits (1888–1966), 149 Zionism: AE to aid cause of, 105, 162 Ehrenfest on, 149. See also Hebrew University Zionist Congress 11th, 152–153 Zuoz, AE in, 3 Zürcher, Emil (1877–1937): 5, 19, 207 manages AE’s financial support to Swiss family, 127, 163, 204, 207 Zürcher, Emil, Jr., 306 Zürcher-Siebel, Johanna (1873–1939), 208, 306 Zurich, poor treatment of scientists in, 307 Zurich Physical Society, 116 Zurich Physics Colloquium, 115, 118 congratu- lates AE, 113 Zweig, Stefan (1881–1942), 195, 239