2 7 0 D O C S . 3 2 3 3 2 5 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 0 place than Göttingen for Born, and he would be a glittering addition to the Univer- sity of Göttingen. Sending you cordial regards, yours. 323. To Richard Wettstein Berlin, 21 February 1920[1] I have already been asked about Mr. Ehrenhaft by Prof. Wegscheider, and he may well have made use of my letter.[2] My view is the following. Ehrenhaft has, through his indefatigable efforts, pointed experimental physics onto new paths.[3] The reason why E. is being rejected by so many physicists is that his theoretical interpretation of his own experiments are being frowned upon. I too am convinced that he is on the wrong track in this regard.[4] Nonetheless I am in support of E. obtaining the position. He is an energetic, pro- ductive mind who will always breathe new life into the institute. He can conduct experiments and is tirelessly diligent. He can be pardoned for his little bit of mono- mania. In g[reat] r[espect], A.E. 324. From Erwin Freundlich 21 February 1920 [Not selected for translation.] 325. From Auguste Hochberger Heilbronn, 21 Moltke St., 21 February 1920. My Dears, One pain & one grief connects me with you!—The long-feared, & yet, also hoped-for event is now actuality & I feel as though I have become a good deal poorer.[1] Our Pauline would so much have liked to live in the light &, at the same time, the cozy shade cast by her beloved son, relishing her well-deserved contentment— but surely she gave way willingly to eternal rest for, with time, her suffering must have become intolerable!
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

2 7 0 D O C S . 3 2 3 3 2 5 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 0 place than Göttingen for Born, and he would be a glittering addition to the Univer- sity of Göttingen. Sending you cordial regards, yours. 323. To Richard Wettstein Berlin, 21 February 1920[1] I have already been asked about Mr. Ehrenhaft by Prof. Wegscheider, and he may well have made use of my letter.[2] My view is the following. Ehrenhaft has, through his indefatigable efforts, pointed experimental physics onto new paths.[3] The reason why E. is being rejected by so many physicists is that his theoretical interpretation of his own experiments are being frowned upon. I too am convinced that he is on the wrong track in this regard.[4] Nonetheless I am in support of E. obtaining the position. He is an energetic, pro- ductive mind who will always breathe new life into the institute. He can conduct experiments and is tirelessly diligent. He can be pardoned for his little bit of mono- mania. In g[reat] r[espect], A.E. 324. From Erwin Freundlich 21 February 1920 [Not selected for translation.] 325. From Auguste Hochberger Heilbronn, 21 Moltke St., 21 February 1920. My Dears, One pain & one grief connects me with you!—The long-feared, & yet, also hoped-for event is now actuality & I feel as though I have become a good deal poorer.[1] Our Pauline would so much have liked to live in the light &, at the same time, the cozy shade cast by her beloved son, relishing her well-deserved contentment— but surely she gave way willingly to eternal rest for, with time, her suffering must have become intolerable!

