1 0 9 6 I N D E X swelling in solutions, in 1911, 822a taking in sick people from all countries, in 1917, 833a treating war-wounded in Switzerland, in 1915, 825a, 827a, 828a in 1916, 829a viscosity of suspensions, in 1910, 822a Weyl’s lecture on unified field theory, 108 will protest AE’s not being awarded the Nobel Prize, in 1919, 834a Zangger-Meyerfisch, Mathilde (1883–1981), 108, 824a Zangger-Müller, Rosine, Zangger on death of, in 1914, 825a Zaslavski, (?), 694 Zeeman, Pieter (1865–1943), 181, 554n, 675, 867a, 874a Zeisler, Ernest (1899–1962), 356n Zeisler, Leonard (1886–1966), 356n Zeisler, Paul (1897–1971), 356n Zeisler, Sigmund (1860–1931), 355 on AE’s money in US for Ilse, 877a Zeisler-Bloomfield, Fannie (1863–1927), 356n Zeitschrift für Physik, lx, lxii, lxvii, 546n, 883a Zenneck, Jonathan (1871–1959), 251, 252 Zero-point energy, 102 AE and Ehrenfest work on, 179, 190n Ehrenfest wants to discuss, 113 and entropy, 438 of hydrogen and helium, AE on, 102 and problem of quantization procedure, 113 proof for existence of, 102 and quantum theory of ideal gases, 443 Zionism, lxxii–lxxiii, 203, 219n, 302n, 605n, 671n, 702n, 703n, 747n, 835a, 873a, 991, 994 AE lecture on, 693 AE on, 668–671 and nationalism, AE on, 974 statement on, 914 Zionist Academic Fraternity “Hasmonea,” in- tends fundraising for Hebrew University, 838a Zionist Center in Rio de Janeiro, elects AE mem- ber, 773 Zionist Congress in Carlsbad, AE does not par- ticipate in, 110 Zionistische Akademische Vereinigung Jarden- jah in Warsaw, against establishing a Jewish university in Danzig, 874a Zionistische Secties voor Wetenschappelijken Arbeid, elects AE honorary member, 871a Zlatopolsky, Hillel, provides endowment for the acquisition of Günzburg library, 858a Zuckmayer, Carl (1896–1977), 813 Zürcher, Emil (1877–1937), 13, 60n, 107, 826a on Nobel Prize money for Mileva, 92–93 Zürcher, Richard, 826a, 830a, 831a Zürcher-Siebel, Johanna, 829a Zwaardemaker, Hendrik (1857–1930), on radio- active origin of physiological effect of potas- sium, AE doubts, 57 Zwicky, Fritz (1898–1974), 369