I N D E X 1 0 9 5 Wissler, Oskar (1882–1960), requests AE’s pub- lications for Swiss National Library, 353, 868a Wittenberge (Schleswig-Holstein), 174 Wohlwend, Max, 825a Wolffsohn, David, 811 Wolfson, Israel, AE recommends for position at Technion, 875a Women, AE on university studies of, 445 Wood, Robert W., measurements of, 251 World Non-National Association, congress of, honorary chairmanship to AE, 840a Worldline, time-like, represents motion of point, 745 Wulffius-Schutz, Marie, 892a, 895a Wyk, Nicolaas van (1880-1941), 531 Yamamoto, Sanehiko (1885–1952), solicits arti- cle for Kaizo, 850a Zambonini, Ferruccio, 861a Zangger, Heinrich (1874–1954), xxxviii, liii, lviii, lxiv, 79, 104, 161, 174, 178, 192, 297, 318, 334, 822a, 825a AE advises on salary of at ETH, in 1911, 823a appointment of at ETH, in 1911, 822a–824a character of sons of, 107 disappointment of sons of, in 1915, 827a financial support of for Swiss family in 1917, 831a food packages for, in 1917, 830a, 831a gallstones of, in 1917, 831a glowing reception in Paris, in 1922, 835a good health of sons of, in 1916, 829a invites to recover in Switzerland, in 1917, 831a looking out for sons of, in 1916, 829a moving to Berlin, in 1914, 825a opposed to moving Swiss family of to Ger- many, in 1919, 834a plans to visit, 108 reestablishment of contact with sons of in 1918, 833a sons of in Zurich, in 1915, 826a stomach problem, 374 urges to visit sons, in 1916, 829a in 1917, 831a AE, Mie, and Weyl’s theories, in 1921, 834a AE on character of, 203 Eduard costs of treatment of, in 1918, 833a health of, 107, 843a health of, in 1915, 827a moving to Arosa, in 1917, 833a sanatorium in mountains for, in 1917, 831a Hans Albert character of, 107 gift for on AE’s behalf, in 1915, 828a infection, in 1917, 832a meeting with AE in Besso’s home, in 1915, 828a relations with AE, in 1915, 828a in 1917, 833a Bergson’s concept of time, in 1921, 835a Bjerrum, 377, 412 chemistry of poisonous solvents, 357 Dällenbach, 412 depressed by the war, in 1917, 833a detained soldiers in Switzerland, in 1917, 831a deterioration of moral motives in Europe, 108 economic problems in Switzerland, in 1916, 829a effects of the war, in 1915, 826a Eucken, 377 Fajans, 377 Harvard University, invited for Dunham lec- tureship at, 714 International Congress of Philosophy, 357, 374 internationality of science, in 1915, 826a Kamerlingh Onnes, 412 light scattering, 859a Michelson’s new experiments, 714 Mileva’s house purchase, 357–358, 362, 376, 377–379, 381, 412 Mümliswil accident, in 1915, 828a patents of, Besso works in 1917 on, 832a performs experiments with poisonous gases, in 1916, 830a Perrin, 377 poisonous additive to gasoline, 859a poisonous gases in laboratory, in 1913, 825a promotion to Ordinarius, in 1912, 824a proposes papers on opalescence, in 1910, 821a refugees, in 1915, 826a responsibility of the press, in 1915, 827a Rolland’s letter, 513 sends publication to Wilson, in 1915, 826a superconductivity, 412 surface tension, in 1910, 821a