D O C U M E N T 4 4 3 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 5 6 7 5 the Independent Labour Party, and of the Fabian Society and War Resisters’ International. [2]On 5 March (see Doc. 439). [3]In 1921, the international pacifist organization Paco was founded at a conference in the Dutch town of Bilthoven. In 1923, the organization was moved to London and adopted the name War Resist- ers’ International. Its main aim was to implement the declaration that war is a crime against humanity. The International Fellowship of Reconciliation was founded in December 1921 at Cambridge by Brit- ish Quaker Henry Hodgkin and German Protestant Friedrich Siegmund-Schulze. The fellowship was founded as a Christian pacifist group, aimed at fostering peaceful relations between countries (see Cockburn 2012, pp. 46–47, and Schroeder 2013, p. 99). [4]A “Manifesto” calling on the League of Nations to demand the abolition of general conscription in all countries was attached in the two languages ([44 159] and [44 160]). [5]Russell (1872–1970) was a British philosopher, mathematician, socialist, pacifist, freelance writer, and lecturer. 443. From Heike Kamerlingh Onnes Leiden, 24 Febr 1925 Lieber Freund, Es hat mir sehr viel Freude gemacht, daß Sie doch noch Gelegenheit gehabt ha- ben Lorentz zu überreden nicht 11 Dec. in Amerika zu verbringen.[1] Ich war eben in Begriff Zeeman und Fokker[2] interlocal telefonisch um Mächtigung zu bitten Lorentz dringendst im Namen seiner sämmtlichen intimen Freunde zu bitten 11 Dec. hier zu sein als schon Ihre Nachricht an Ehrenfest[3] und gleichzeitig ein Brief von Lorentz an mich eintraf welche alle Sorgen wegnahmen. Besten Dank! Nun darf ich noch wohl ein Punkt der Agenda bei Ihnen in Erinnerung zu bringen: mir den genauen Namen des Herrn v. Siemens zu schreiben, damit ich Planck und Laue[4] bitten kann diesen Herrn einzuladen. Mit herzlichen Grüssen treulich Ihr ergebenster H. Kamerlingh Onnes ALSX. [14 387]. Written on personal letterhead. [1]The date in question would be the fiftieth anniversary of Hendrik A. Lorentz’s doctorate. Orig- inally, Lorentz had planned to be in the United States at that date, but during a visit to Haarlem on 13 February, Einstein had persuaded him to postpone his trip (see also Lorentz to Paul Ehrenfest, 14 February 1925, NL-LeRM, Ehrenfest Archive). [2]Pieter Zeeman Adriaan Fokker. See also Doc. 361, note 2, for the composition of the Lorentz golden doctorate anniversary fund. [3]Paul Ehrenfest. [4]Friedrich Carl von Siemens Max Planck Max von Laue.
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D O C U M E N T 4 4 3 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 5 6 7 5 the Independent Labour Party, and of the Fabian Society and War Resisters’ International. [2]On 5 March (see Doc. 439). [3]In 1921, the international pacifist organization Paco was founded at a conference in the Dutch town of Bilthoven. In 1923, the organization was moved to London and adopted the name War Resist- ers’ International. Its main aim was to implement the declaration that war is a crime against humanity. The International Fellowship of Reconciliation was founded in December 1921 at Cambridge by Brit- ish Quaker Henry Hodgkin and German Protestant Friedrich Siegmund-Schulze. The fellowship was founded as a Christian pacifist group, aimed at fostering peaceful relations between countries (see Cockburn 2012, pp. 46–47, and Schroeder 2013, p. 99). [4]A “Manifesto” calling on the League of Nations to demand the abolition of general conscription in all countries was attached in the two languages ([44 159] and [44 160]). [5]Russell (1872–1970) was a British philosopher, mathematician, socialist, pacifist, freelance writer, and lecturer. 443. From Heike Kamerlingh Onnes Leiden, 24 Febr 1925 Lieber Freund, Es hat mir sehr viel Freude gemacht, daß Sie doch noch Gelegenheit gehabt ha- ben Lorentz zu überreden nicht 11 Dec. in Amerika zu verbringen.[1] Ich war eben in Begriff Zeeman und Fokker[2] interlocal telefonisch um Mächtigung zu bitten Lorentz dringendst im Namen seiner sämmtlichen intimen Freunde zu bitten 11 Dec. hier zu sein als schon Ihre Nachricht an Ehrenfest[3] und gleichzeitig ein Brief von Lorentz an mich eintraf welche alle Sorgen wegnahmen. Besten Dank! Nun darf ich noch wohl ein Punkt der Agenda bei Ihnen in Erinnerung zu bringen: mir den genauen Namen des Herrn v. Siemens zu schreiben, damit ich Planck und Laue[4] bitten kann diesen Herrn einzuladen. Mit herzlichen Grüssen treulich Ihr ergebenster H. Kamerlingh Onnes ALSX. [14 387]. Written on personal letterhead. [1]The date in question would be the fiftieth anniversary of Hendrik A. Lorentz’s doctorate. Orig- inally, Lorentz had planned to be in the United States at that date, but during a visit to Haarlem on 13 February, Einstein had persuaded him to postpone his trip (see also Lorentz to Paul Ehrenfest, 14 February 1925, NL-LeRM, Ehrenfest Archive). [2]Pieter Zeeman Adriaan Fokker. See also Doc. 361, note 2, for the composition of the Lorentz golden doctorate anniversary fund. [3]Paul Ehrenfest. [4]Friedrich Carl von Siemens Max Planck Max von Laue.

