INDEX 691 393n Max Laue's possible candidacy for AE's chair at, 546 reorganization of, 333n reorganization of electrotechnology teaching at, 482n See also Einstein, career, ETH Ether: atomistic properties of, Max Planck on, 49 degrees of freedom of, H. A. Lorentz on, 177 energy exchange with matter of, AE on, 192, H. A. Lorentz on, 171-172, 174, 176 forces on, in H. A. Lorentz's electrodynamics, 149n turning in grave, 419 Eucken, Arnold (1884-1950), 335, 336n measurements of specific heat of hydro- gen by, 391, 395, 467, 509n, 579 Evershed effect, 329n Fabrique Nationale, 111n Fabry, Charles (1867-1945), 316, 317n Faraday, Michael (1791-1867): law of elec- trochemical equivalence, 280, 424 Fetz, Werner, 244 Feytis, Eugenie (1881-1967), 521n Fichter-Bernoulli, Fritz (1869-1952), 390n, 469n letter from Haber, Fritz, 390n, 469n Fiedler, Wilhelm (1832-1912), 85 AE's courses with, 85n, 182n congratulates AE on appointment in Zurich, 182 Figaro, 595 Fischer, Emil (1852-1919), 260n, 262n, 263n letter from Nernst, Walther, 260n letter from Oppenheim, Franz, 263n letter to Oppenheim, Franz, 263n praise for AE's work on specific heats, 259 Fizeau experiment: AE on role in develop- ment of special relativity, 229 Flesch, Carl (1873-1944), 264n AE's praise of, 264 Fluctuations, AE's theory of: acceptance of, 419 Max Planck's skepticism on, 420n in energy of system of oscillators: AE on, 282, Fritz Haber on, 539 in radiation the- ory, Paul Ehrenfest on, 465 in temperature, AE on, 282. See also Radio- active decay, fluctuations in Flying machine, Paul Habicht's design for, 100-103, 109-111 Foex, Gabriel, 243 Fokker, Adriaan Daniel (1887-1968), 360n, 564, 565 accompanies AE on trip to Holland, 605, 607 AE's comments on work with, 568 candidate as Assistent with AE in Berlin, 568, 603n joint paper with AE, 564n letter to Lorentz, H. A., 605n stay with AE in Zurich, 564n trip to AE in Zurich, 577 work with AE in Zurich, 578 work with AE on rotating electrical dipole, 578 Forces, molecular: AE's planned paper on, 257 AE's work on, 11, 12n, 18 Forrer, Ludwig (1845-1921), 288n, 304, 314, 325n, 340, 347n, 350n, 398, 402n elected President of Swiss Federal Council, 399n role in AE's ETH appointment, 341n visit to by AE and Heinrich Zangger, 332 Forster, Aime (1843-1926), 48n, 95, 96n Foucault pendulum, 532 Franel, Jerome, 533n Frank, Michael, 445n paper by: AE's com- ments on, 450, Paul Ehrenfest on submission of, 439 Frank, Philipp (1884-1966), 469n, 500 AE's comments on paper on causality by, 474n appointment at University of Prague: 500n, official recommendation for, 468 candidacy for chair at University of Prague: 470, official evaluation of, 472-473 Frankamp, Catherine (1888-?), 524n, 540n, 580n Frankfurt a.M., AE's visit to, 344 Frauenfeld, meeting of Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft in: AE's lecture at, 553n, 555 Fraunhofer lines. See Spectral lines, solar Fresnel, Augustin (1788-1827): dragging coefficient of, 73n mirror experiment of, 129, 130 Freundlich, Erwin (1885-1964), 317n, 326n, 385n, 438n, 555n, 560n dispute with Willem de Sitter on emission theory of light, 555 investigation of gravitational light deflection: 406, 503, 550, 554, 566, AE's comments on, 387 letter from Diels, Hermann, 596n letter from Pollak, Leo, 313n, 317n, 318n marriage of, 555n paper on test of emission theory of light, 555 plans for daylight investigation of gravitational light deflection, 554 plans
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