DOCUMENT 355 FEBRUARY 1912 407 [7]The substance is perhaps ammonia (see Doc. 366). See also Warburg 1912, which was presented 29 February and in which Einstein's predictions are confirmed through experiments on the ozonization of oxygen. [8]See Doc. 343, note 3, for more details on the difference of opinion between Einstein and Max Abraham. [9]Einstein had thanked Erwin Freundlich for his efforts in examining the question of the deflection of light a month earlier (see Doc. 336). [10]Paul Habicht. The gilding was to prevent undesired contact electricity. See the editorial note, "Einstein's 'Maschinchen' for the Measurement of Small Quantitites of Electricity," pp. 51-55. [11]Einstein had written Besso on the subject at the end of the previous year (see Doc. 331). [12]Formal notification was only sent three days later (see the following document), but Ein- stein had probably already received a telegram from Heinrich Zangger, sent at midday on 30 January just after the favorable deliberations of the Swiss Federal Council (see Doc. 347). [13]A postscript by Mileva Einstein-Marid is omitted. 355. From Robert Gnehm Zürich, den 7. Februar 1912. Herrn Prof. Dr. A. Einstein, Prag. Hochgeehrter Herr! Es gereicht uns zum Vergnügen, Ihnen in der Beilage die Urkunde Ihrer Er- nennung zum Professor an der Eidg. Technischen Hochschule übermitteln zu können.[1] Gleichzeitig fügen wir bei, dass Ihnen der Bundesrat auf unsern Antrag eine Umzugsentschädigung von 1300 Fr. zugesprochen hat.[2] Hochachtungsvoll im Namen des Schweiz. Schulrates, Der Präsident: Dr R Gnehm Der Sekretär: Jul Müller[3] 1 Beilage erwähnt. P. S. Wir bitten Sie, noch die formelle Erklärung der Annahme der Wahl abzugeben. TLS. [29 262]. [1]The document was issued on 30 January (see the decree of this date) and transmitted to Gnehm's office on 1 February (see Doc. 351, note 1). See Doc. 341, note 1, for the conditions of the appointment. [2]The request for moving expenses was made on 23 January (see Robert Gnehm to eidg. Departement des Innern, 23 January 1912, Sz-Ar, E 8(B) box 89, Einstein Dossier) and ap- proved a week later (see Auszug aus dem Protokoll der Sitzung des schweizerischen Bundes- rates of 30 January 1912, SzZE Schulratsarchiv 1912, Akten, no. 116). [3]Julius Müller (1870-1930) was Secretary of the Swiss School Council and of its Presi- dent.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

DOCUMENT 355 FEBRUARY 1912 407 [7]The substance is perhaps ammonia (see Doc. 366). See also Warburg 1912, which was presented 29 February and in which Einstein's predictions are confirmed through experiments on the ozonization of oxygen. [8]See Doc. 343, note 3, for more details on the difference of opinion between Einstein and Max Abraham. [9]Einstein had thanked Erwin Freundlich for his efforts in examining the question of the deflection of light a month earlier (see Doc. 336). [10]Paul Habicht. The gilding was to prevent undesired contact electricity. See the editorial note, "Einstein's 'Maschinchen' for the Measurement of Small Quantitites of Electricity," pp. 51-55. [11]Einstein had written Besso on the subject at the end of the previous year (see Doc. 331). [12]Formal notification was only sent three days later (see the following document), but Ein- stein had probably already received a telegram from Heinrich Zangger, sent at midday on 30 January just after the favorable deliberations of the Swiss Federal Council (see Doc. 347). [13]A postscript by Mileva Einstein-Marid is omitted. 355. From Robert Gnehm Zürich, den 7. Februar 1912. Herrn Prof. Dr. A. Einstein, Prag. Hochgeehrter Herr! Es gereicht uns zum Vergnügen, Ihnen in der Beilage die Urkunde Ihrer Er- nennung zum Professor an der Eidg. Technischen Hochschule übermitteln zu können.[1] Gleichzeitig fügen wir bei, dass Ihnen der Bundesrat auf unsern Antrag eine Umzugsentschädigung von 1300 Fr. zugesprochen hat.[2] Hochachtungsvoll im Namen des Schweiz. Schulrates, Der Präsident: Dr R Gnehm Der Sekretär: Jul Müller[3] 1 Beilage erwähnt. P. S. Wir bitten Sie, noch die formelle Erklärung der Annahme der Wahl abzugeben. TLS. [29 262]. [1]The document was issued on 30 January (see the decree of this date) and transmitted to Gnehm's office on 1 February (see Doc. 351, note 1). See Doc. 341, note 1, for the conditions of the appointment. [2]The request for moving expenses was made on 23 January (see Robert Gnehm to eidg. Departement des Innern, 23 January 1912, Sz-Ar, E 8(B) box 89, Einstein Dossier) and ap- proved a week later (see Auszug aus dem Protokoll der Sitzung des schweizerischen Bundes- rates of 30 January 1912, SzZE Schulratsarchiv 1912, Akten, no. 116). [3]Julius Müller (1870-1930) was Secretary of the Swiss School Council and of its Presi- dent.

