I N D E X 3 5 1 of Leyden, 173, 193, 194, 200, 219, 225, 257, 296 requests AE’s public statement on ether, 213 suspects instability in AE’s electron model, 160 telegram to AE on eclipse result, 95, 98, 138 textbook on quantum theory, 139, 149, 162 worries about AE’s health, 32, 106, 109 writes newspaper article on eclipse results, 148 Lorentz, Johanna Wilhelmina (1889–1980), 68 Lorentz, Rudolf (1895–1977), 68 Lorentz-de Haas, Geetruida Luberta (1885– 1974), 68 Lorentz-Kaiser, Aletta (1858–1931), 31, 68, 139, 215 Lorenz, Richard (1863–1929), invites AE to lec- ture at University of Frankfurt, 169 Lourie, Heinrich (1892–?), 113 Louvain: 31 vandalization by German Army, 64 Löwenthal, Elsa. See Einstein, Elsa Luchsinger, Fridolin (1894–?), 85 Ludendorff, Erich von (1865–1937), AE on, 47 Ludlam, Ernest B. (1879–1958): 224–225, 230, 249 on narrow-mindedness of English scien- tists, 230 Luther, Martin (1483–1546), 80 Mach, Ernst (1838–1916), Lampa’s book on, 285 Mach’s principle, 63, 139 Mache, Heinrich (1876–1954), 151–152, 244 Madelung, Erwin (1881–1972), 41 Magnetic gyroscopic effect, 5 Manifesto “To the Civilized World.” See EIN- STEIN, ALBERT: POLITICS: Manifesto Mann, Thomas (1875–1955): 239–240 invites AE to join editorial board of Das Odeon, 239 political views of, 240 Marburg School of philosophy, 295 Maric , Zorka (?–1938), 127 Marriage certificate, 45 Marx, August (1864–1934), 185 Marx, Erich (1874–1956), 210, 218 Mass density, average in universe, 162 Massart, Jean (1865–1925), 31 Mathematical calculations, funded by KWIP, 57 Mathematische Annalen: 156, 166 AE invited to join editorial board, 192 Mathematische Zeitschrift, 42 Maxwell, James Clerk (1831–1879), on radiom- eter effect, 28–29 Mechanics, and equipartition theorem, 176 Mecklenburg: monarchism in, 157 political cli- mate in, AE on, 169 Mecklenburg, Duke Adolf Freidrich von, 169 Medicus, Fritz (1876–1956), 273, 276–277, 295, 298, 329 Meinhardt, Wilhelm (1872–1955), 82 Meissner, Janka, 48, 113 Meißner, Karl (1891–1959), 113 Meitner, Lise (1878–1968), 242 Mendelism, 314 Merritt, Ernest (1865–1945), 136 Methuen publishing house. See Publishers Meyer, Edgar (1879–1960): 85, 113, 127, 199, 207, 222, 229, 241, 329 as candidate for po- sition at University of Tübingen, 222 as ad- vocate of Germany in Zurich, 222 helps Epstein get position in Switzerland, 307 invites AE to deliver course at University of Zurich, 182 invites AE to stay with him, 233 on AE’s article in Times (London), 183 on appreciation for AE in Zurich, 182 on full professorship for AE at University of Zurich, 183 on scientific community in Zurich, 183 repeats Ehrenhaft’s experiments, 7 requests AE’s opinion on Epstein, Ratnowsky, Scher- rer, Tank, 234 Meyer, Eduard (1855–1930): 261 on charges against Nicolai, 235 on regulations of admis- sion at University of Berlin, 259 on uproar at AE’s lecture at University of Berlin, 260 Meyer, Hans, 83 Meyer, Stefan (1872–1949), 151–152, 244 Michaëlis, Sophus (1865–1932), 212 Mie, Gustav (1868–1957): 54, 331 asks AE’s opinion on Weyl, 54 inquires about research funds from KWIP, 55 Mill, John Stuart (1806–1873), 276 Milner, Samuel (1875–1958), 154 Mises, Richard von (1883–1953): 193, 257 helps Kottler get position, 267 on equiparti- tion theorem, 166, 176 on ergodic hypothe- sis, 166 Mittag-Leffler, Gösta (1846–1927), 186 Mohrmann, Hans (1881–1941), 113 Molière, Jean Baptiste Poquelin (1622–1673), 29 Monarchism, in Germany, 157, 169
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