D O C . 6 6 J U L Y 1 9 1 9 5 5 Have you incidentally heard anything yet about the outcome of the English ex- pedition to the solar eclipse on May 29th?[9] I should think you are in great sus- pense about the results, as I am, along with many others who can judge the impor- tance of these results. May I turn to your institute sometime in the near future for support for a research experiment that I started a while ago but that I have now unfortunately had to aban- don for a few months because of reorganization at the institute? The questions with which I wanted to occupy myself are quite interesting, but my institute’s funds aren’t enough. I would also probably need an assistant for it. Are any monies still available from your fund?[10] With best regards, yours truly, Gustav Mie. 66. To Walter Dällenbach [Zurich,] Sternwarte boarding house, [ca. 1 July 1919][1] Dear Dällenbach,[2] I understand you completely. But lecturing on quantum theory is not for me. As much as I have labored with it, I have succeeded little in gaining real insight into it. Besides, I did not concern myself with assembling the many details and devices of which quantum theory is provisionally composed to enable me to give you all an exhaustive overview. What I myself have done in that field is easily accessible to you and, what is more, known, so that lecturing on it is unnecessary. It is also true that I have nothing new to say to you all about relativity, either. For that reason I planned to lecture in such a way that a somewhat larger audience gets an idea of the matter yet whether this will be successful is, again, doubtful.[3] These lectures simply stem from a wish to show my gratitude to the government here,[4] not from the fact that I have anything new to announce.—Thus I leave the matter as it stands, knowing fully well that my undertaking is actually completely superfluous. On the other hand, I would be delighted to chat with you privately about those other subjects.[5] Therefore I suggest you come and see me very soon. Best would be if you telephoned me around 9 o’clock in the morning or at midday or in the evening so that we can fix a time. With cordial regards, yours, Einstein.