3 5 2 I N D E X Monatomic gases, quantum theory of, 11 Monge, Gaspard (1746–1818), 202 Monism: and anticlericalism, 216 and freedom for the individual, 216 popular view of, 315 Moos, August, 133 Moos, Rudolf, political trustworthiness, AE on, 8 Moszkowski, Alexander (1851–1934): 82, 294 eye operation, 60 Muehlon, Wilhelm (1878–1944): political trust- worthiness, AE on, 8 against union of Bavar- ia and Austria, 51 Müller, Gustav (1851–1925): 103 alleged antip- athy toward general relativity, 88 proposes position for Freundlich, 165 Nathan, Paul (1857–1927), 303–304 Nationalism, AE against use of his work to in- flame, 306 Natorp, Paul (1854–1924): 34, 52, 59 Aufruf des deutschen Geistes zum Sozialismus, new version, 52–53, AE endorses, 34 on radical- ism of workers, 52 on violence, 53 Nature, AE’s article for, 152, 154, 181, 188, 199, 208, 228, 248, 324 Neo-Kantianism: and general relativity, 120 at University of Marburg, 295 Nernst theorem, and lowest quantum states, 288 Nernst, Walther (1864–1941): 14, 40, 189 dis- missed from scientific committee of Institut international de physique, 65, 68 technical collaboration with AE, 178 requests report from KWIP, 9 Newton, Isaac (1642–1727), 61, 127, 127, 147, 273 Newtonian gravity, overthrown by general rela- tivity, 147 Nichols, Edward (1854–1937), 136 Nicolai, Georg F. (1874–1964): 236, 293, 295 prospect of lecturing, 293–294 right-wing at- tacks on, 235, 236 visits with Grossmann, 298 Nobel prize: AE on chance of receiving, 6–7, 186 to Planck, 150. See also EINSTEIN, AL- BERT: RECOGNITIONS Nordmann, Charles (1881–1940), 241 Nordström, Gunnar (1881–1923), 10, 81 Northcliffe, Lord (1865–1922), 154 Noske, Gustav (1868–1946), 15 Notenbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach, 204 Noyons, Adriaan (1878–1941), 31, 64 Nutting, Perley (1873–?), 17 Das Odeon, 238–240 Olschki, Leonardo (1885–1961), Schlick on, 190 Oppenheim, Jacques (1849–1924), 174 Oppenheim, Moritz N. (1848–1933): 96 philan- thropic activities of, 79 Oppenheim, Paul (1885–1977): 47, 79, 89, 96, 100, 330 donation for Academy for the Sci- ence of Judaism, 100 invites AE to Frank- furt, 154, 218 on AE’s decision to remain in Germany, 154 on classification of sciences, 100, 154 disinterest in science of Judaism, 96 on silhouettes made by AE, 217 proposes French edition of AE’s popular book on rela- tivity, 330 searches for an assistant, 169 Oppenheim, Samuel (1857–1928), 227, 333 Oppenheim-Errera, Gabriella (1892–1998?), 154, 218 Oppenheimer, Franz (1863–1943), lecture in Holland, 253 Optics of moving bodies: Harres on, 122–124 Laue on, 122–124, 130–131, 179–180 Zee- man on, 124, 179–180 Orion nebula, redshift of stars in, 13 Ornstein, Leonard S. (1880–1941): 149, 162, 311 and Hebrew University, 174, 191, 202, 253 Osram GmbH, 285–286 Ostwald, Wilhelm (1853–1932), at beginning of World War I, 209 Overdetermination of classical variables, AE on, 246, 283, 308 Pagenstecher, Rudolf (1886–1921), 190 Palestine: 152, 178, 202 Jewish homeland in, 125–126, AE on, 106, 132, 186, optimistic perspectives for, 116 planned Jewish state in, 10 Palestine Foundation Fund, 113 Paneth, Friedrich (1887–1958), 152 Paquet, Alfons (1881–1944), 52 Paris Peace Conference, Allies at, 62 Paris Peace Treaty. See Versailles Peace Treaty Pasch, Moritz (1843–1930), 39 Paschen, Friedrich (1865–1947): 12, 83, 129, 229 on Franck, 221 requests AE’s recom-
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