2 3 0 D O C . 2 7 9 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 0 statistical research on ionization by Roentgen- and γ-rays has not yet finally re- solved the problem, which is much complicated by secondary processes.[5] I am convinced, though, that he is a man with enough circumspection and perseverance to clarify these important questions. In the last few years his energy was almost en- tirely claimed by duties he assumed upon taking over the completely run-down in- stitute at the University of Zurich.[6] During those years, he raised that institute to an unexpectedly high level of development by dedicated work and lucid lecturing, and by attracting and inspiring younger people of talent whom he supported in a selfless manner. It is scarcely conceivable how much credit he has earned for quick- ening scientific life in Zurich. Organizational skill, technical talent, and goodwill, married with a knowledge of human nature and a stable personality, this is what had to come together in order to make such successes possible I can hardly imagine a better institute director. Under these conditions it is understandable that he neces- sarily had to postpone for a few years pursuit of any major scientific goals that would have demanded all his energy. Drawing into consideration all the relevant circumstances, I am convinced that it would be difficult to find a more worthy successor than Edgar Meyer for the Tübingen professorship. With amicable greetings, yours. 279. From Ernest B. Ludlam Cambridge, 32 Storey’s Way, 23 January 1920. Dear Prof. Einstein, I arrived in London yesterday and I called on Prof. Eddington to-day. I was hor- rified to hear that the Council of the Royal Astronomical Society had changed its decision about the medal. That accounts for the fact that you had not heard of the award when I called you.[1] I find it difficult to believe that English men of science can really be so narrow-minded. I think one of the chief difficulties is that scientific men work so hard, and have so much to read, that they have no time to study the real facts in international affairs and accept too easily the opinions of the common press. Your visit to England may be postponed, but I hope not for very long, and it is more evident than ever that there is need of every effort to overcome these foolish and narrow-minded prejudices.[2] It is some comfort to me to feel, under these circumstances, that your world wide reputation places you in a position to view the action of the Astronomical Society with indifference and with the contempt it deserves, perhaps, when you consider