418 INDEX ETH (cont.) lxv n, 10, 10-11, 12-13 AE's experiences at, xxxvi, 43, 44, 60-62 AE's grades, 45-50 Assistent, AE's failure to obtain position as. See AE: Employment, attempts to find, as Assistent curriculum, AE's, 362-369 Diplom, 44, 45n, 50 Diplomarbeit, AE's, 61, 235-236, 244, 244n doctorate not granted by, until 1911, 61 entrance examination, 10-11 required top- ics, 3n, 6n, 356-358 final examination for the Diplom (Schluß- diplomprüfung), AE's grades, 247 friends of AE at. See Ehrat, Jakob Gross- mann, Marcel Maric, Mileva Stern, Alfred history and organization, 43-44 intermediate examination for the Diplom (Übergangsdiplomprüfung), AE's grades, 214 laboratories, xxxvi, 60-62, 199, 218, 219n physics instruction and research at, 60 Record and Grade Transcript, AE's, 45-50 teachers, list of AE's, 362-369. See also Fiedler, Wilhelm Geiser, Carl Friedrich Heim, Albert Herzog, Albin Hurwitz, Adolf Minkowski, Hermann Pernet, Jean Weber, Heinrich Friedrich Weber's lectures on physics, 60-62 AE's notes on, xxxix, 63-210 Experimental physics, xxxvi Family Tree (Stammbaum), xlviii n, 1 Faraday, Michael (1791-1867): law of electrol- ysis, 226n studies on liquefaction of gases, 141 Felder. See Electric field Magnetic field Fernkräfte. See Gravitation Festigkeitslehre. See Strength of materials Fiedler, Wilhelm (1832-1912), 212, 228, 234. 330, 363, 365, 381 Fields. See Electric field Magnetic field Fisch, Adolf (1877-?), 236n Fizeau experiment, 230n Fleischmann, Michael (1857-1926), 246 Fluids. See Liquids Flüssigkeiten. See Liquids Force (Kraft). See Electric force Electromag- netic force Electromotive force Electrostatic force Gravitation Magnetic force Molecu- lar forces Forel, Auguste (1848-1931), 317, 318-319, 334 via Foscolo 11, Pavia, Einstein family's home, 1895-1896, liv n Foscolo, Ugo (1778-1827), liv n Fourier series (Fouriersche Reihen), 212 Fourier's heat conduction equation, 63n Franel, Jerome (1859-1939), to Hermann Bleu- ler, 21 October 1898, 214 Frank, Philipp (1884-1966), from AE, draft letter, 1940, lviii n, lxiii n, 371 Frauenfeld, Canton of Thurgau, 315, 376 French, AE's Aargau Kantonsschule Matura, 28 Frey, Adolf (1855-1920), 25n, 359, 360 Friedmann, Heinrich, 346, 347, 348 to König- liche Lokalkommission der Haupt- u. Resi- denzstadt München, 13 October 1887, lix n Frosch, Hans (1877-1938), 334, 335n, 335 Fulachstraße 6, Schaffhausen, AE's address, 321n, 376 Fulachstraße 22, Schaffhausen, private school of Jakob Nüesch and AE's address, 318n, 376 Functions, theory of, 212n AE's notes on Min- kowski's course, 61 Gabba, Luigi, 282n Galli, Giacomo, lv n Galvanic cell. See Voltaic cell Galvanometer (Tangentenbussole), 32-35, 66- 67, 188, 207-208, 209 Ganter, Heinrich (1848-1915), 12, 29n, 39n, 359, 360 Garrone, Lorenzo, liii, liv, 276. See also Ein- stein, Garrone e C. Gases: AE extends theory of molecular forces to, xl, 290, 292, 295, 320, 376 adiabatic change of state of, 96, 100-101 Avogadro's law for, 100 coefficient of elasticity of, 101- 104 cyclic thermal processes in, 106-120 dynamic theory of (dynamische Gastheorie), 212 ideal, deviations from, 292 isothermal change of state of, 101-103 all energy ki- netic in, 261 liquefaction of (Verflüssigung), 138-147 measurement of specific heat of, 96-100 thermodynamics of, 94-96 van der Waals's theory of, 265. See also Kinetic the- ory of gases Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777-1855), 207 Gauss's law, 160, 161 Gauss's theorem, 166, 169, 181 Gebrüder Volkart, Winterthur, 299n
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