214 DOCUMENT 42 OCTOBER 1898 42. Jerome Franel to Hermann Bleuler[1] Zurich, 21 Octobre 1898. Monsieur le President du Conseil de l'Ecole polytechnique a Zurich. Monsieur le President, Le tableau ci-joint contient les notes obtenues par les eleves de la sixieme division, section A, qui ont subi les examens de diplome (Übergangsdiplom).[2] Comme il est naturel, en raison de l'excellence des resultats, les membres de la conference ont l'honneur de proposer, au Conseil de l'Ecole, d'autoriser tous les candidats a se presenter a l'examen de diplöme final.[3] Veuillez agreer, Monsieur le President, l'expression de ma tres-haute consideration J. Franel. suppleant du Principal de la sixieme division, sect. A Übergangs-Diplom-Prüfungen VI Abtheilung, Sect. A Differential u. Integral Rechnung. Analyt. Geometrie Darst. Geom u. Geom. der Lage Mechanik Physik. Mittelnote.[4] Ehrat[5] 5 5 51/2 5 51/2 5,2 Einstein 51/2 6 51/2 6 51/2 5,7 Grossmann 51/2 51/2 6 51/2 51/2 5,6 Du Pasquier 51/2 5 5 5 6 5,3 Kollros 51/2 51/2 51/2 6 5,6 genehmigt. 22 Okt 98 H Bleuler ALS, with AD enclosed (SzZE Schulratsar- chiv, 1898, nos. 665, 666). [1] Franel (1859-1939) was Professor of Mathematics at the ETH. Bleuler (1837-1922) was President of the Federal School Council from 1888 to 1905. [2] These intermediate examinations began on 3 October 1898 (see ETH Programm 1898b, p. 5). They were normally administered before the start of the third year of studies (see ETH Regulativ 1892, p. 14). [3] The intermediate and final examinations were the only two required for the ETH Di- plom. Franel's request was formally approved by Bleuler in a letter to the teachers' confer- ence, Section VI A (see Protokollbuch der Konferenz, 21 December 1898, SzZE Biblio- thek, Hs 1079: 2). [4] The averages of Einstein, Marcel Grossmann, and Louis Kollros (1878-1959) are followed by strokes in the right-hand margin. [5] Jakob Ehrat Louis-Gustave Du Pas- quier (1876-1953).