376 CHRONOLOGY, 1879-1902 March 13 March 23 May 5 May 16-July 11 May 17 May 21 July July 3 late July ca. September 15 October 2 October 14 early November November 23 December 18 ca. December 25 Einstein is classified for Swiss auxiliary military service on medical grounds. Einstein travels to Milan. Einstein leaves Milan for Winterthur. In Como he joins Maric for a short trip over the Splügen pass. Einstein holds a position as a substitute teacher at the Technical School in Winterthur. He often visits Maric in Zurich on weekends. Einstein registers his departure from Zurich to Winterthur. Einstein registers at Außere Schaffhauserstraße 38 in Winterthur, where he rooms in the house of Maria Wachter. Einstein vacations with his mother in Mettmenstetten. Einstein applies unsuccessfully for a secondary school position at the Technical School in Burgdorf. Einstein applies unsuccessfully for a secondary-school position in Frauenfeld. Einstein begins work as a tutor at the Lehr– und Erziehungsanstalt, Dr. Jakob Nüesch's private boarding school in Schaffhausen. He starts to work on a dissertation on molecular forces in gases. Einstein registers with the military authorities in Schaffhausen. While in Schaffhausen, he lives at three addresses: Fulachstraße 22 (Nüesch's school), Fulachstraße 6 (Baumer family), Bahnhofstraße 102 (the Cardinal Inn). Einstein registers his departure from Winterthur for Schaffhausen. Einstein visits Maric, who is in Stein am Rhein. Einstein submits a doctoral dissertation to the University of Zurich. Einstein applies for a position at the Swiss Patent Office (Eidgenössisches Amt für geistiges Eigentum) in Bern. Einstein spends the Christmas holiday with Maja in Mettmenstetten.