INDEX 419 Geiser, Carl Friedrich (1843-1934), 44, 330, 362, 366, 379 Genewein, Fritz, to AE, 23 October 1924, lxii n Genoa, lxv n, 312, 372 Geometry: AE's Aargau Kantonsschule Ma- tura, 29-32 projective (projektivische Geo- metrie), 212 Gerechtigkeitsgasse 32, Bern, AE's address, 331, 333, 334 Gerichtliche Medizin (gerichtliche Pathologie). See Medicine, forensic German, AE's Aargau Kantonsschule Matura, 25-27 German citizenship, iv, 20, 372 German culture and language, AE's attachment to, xxxvi Gesamt- und Bürgerschule, Olsberg, 51n, 53n Gewerbeschule. See Aargau Kantonsschule Gierster, Joseph, 347 Giese, W., 236 Giulietti, Davide, liii n, liv n Glaciers, 35-38 Gladbach, Philipp, 360, 361 Glass, properties of, 280, 283 Graf, Johann Jakob (1854-1925), 24 Gravitation, AE on connection with molecular forces, 265, 290, 292 Grether, -, 271 Grimm brothers, 336n Grob, Emanuel, 241 Grossmann, Jules (1843-1934), helps AE ob- tain position at Swiss Federal Patent Office, xxxvii, 291, 292 Grossmann, Marcel (1878-1936): 212n, 234, 299, 328, 329n biography, 381-382 doc- toral dissertation, 330 grades, 214, 247 helps AE obtain position at Swiss Federal Patent Office, 324 from AE, 14 April 1901, 290-291 from AE, 6? September 1901, 225, 315-316 to AE, ca. 11 December 1901, 323 Gymnasium. See Luitpold-Gymnasium Aargau Kantonsschule Haab, Otto (1850-1931), 232, 233n Habicht, Conrad (1876-1958), xl, 335, 336n biography, 382 from AE, 4 February 1902, 331 from AE, April? 1902, 337 Habicht, Walter, 337n Hägi, Henriette (1843-1906), 53n, 54, 246, 262, 272, 298, 299n, 373, 375 Hall, Edwin Herbert (1855-1938), 237 Haller, Friedrich (1844-1936), 291n, 312, 313n, 328, 329n, 336, 339n biography, 382-383 Händel, Georg Friedrich (1685-1759), 21n. See also Music Hartmann, -, 1 Haßler, Alfred (1879-?), 21 Hassler-Steidle, Vreneli, 309n Hauptmann, Gerhart (1862-1946), 56 Hauser, Walter, 240n Heat (Wärme): analogy between kinetic energy and, 92-94 atomistic theory of, AE's early interest, xl evolution of, 324 mechanical equivalent of, 91, 134-138 nature of, 83-94 H. F. Weber's lectures on, 63-147, 212 Heat, latent: AE on connection with absorption spectra, 280 AE proposes experiments on, 236, 238, 283 of solids, AE on, 287 Heat, mechanical theory of, 121-123 Heat, radiation of. See Heat loss Heat conduction, 63-65, 265, 292, 294n, 305. See also Thermal conductivity Heat engines, 96, 106-109. See also Carnot cycle Heat loss, 79-83, 87-89 Heat of vaporization (Dampfwärme), of liquids, 130-147 Hebrew University of Jerusalem, AE's support of, lx n Hechingen, Germany, home of Rudolf and Fanny Einstein, lv Hedinger, Friedrich, 246 Heffner, Fritz, 348, 349 Heidelberg, 58, 59, 211 University of, 59n Heim, Albert (1849-1937), 43, 44, 363, 367 Heim, Arnold (1882-1965), from AE, 14 July 1952, 44 Heimatschein. See Certificate of Citizenship Heine, Eduard (1821-1881), 262n, 305 Helmholtz, Hermann von (1821-1894), 235 AE's reading of, xxxix, 220, 221n, 226, 230, 238 Herbart, Johann Friedrich (1776-1841), 4 Herold, Curt, 321n Hertz, Heinrich (1857-1894): AE's reading of and comments on, xxxix, 7, 226 on electro- dynamics, 6, 7, 223-225, 226 on electro- magnetic radiation from a dipole, 259n on elementary magnets, 227n Herzog, Albin (1852-1909), 11, 24, 240 and AE's ETH entrance examination, 10, 12-13, 24 and MM's ETH intermediate examina- tion, 228, 229n AE's study with, 212, 292n, 307, 308n, 364, 365 to Gustav Maier, 25 September 1895, 12-13
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