5 6 D O C U M E N T S 6 6 , 6 7 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 1
The only pleasantness arising from this letter for me is this: that it provides me
the opportunity to reiterate immediately what you will have noticed in both of us,
how happy we were to be allowed to spend a few enjoyable hours at home again
with both of you.
With very cordial regards, I am your loyal servant,
66. From Central Association of German Citizens of the
Jewish Faith
Berlin SW., 18 Linden Street, 27 February 1921
Esteemed Professor,
Pursuant to our recent conversation, I would like to incorporate a comment into
the next issue of the magazine in the current section [Zeitschau] that shows that the
publication of your letter had not by any means been condoned by you and that you
had not intended by your letter to deprecate in any way the activities of the Central
Association of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith in their struggle against viru-
This is necessary because this letter is now being peddled the
I intend to convey to you, at a time convenient to you, through my
private secretary a draft of the passages I plan to include in the
so that
you are in a position to tell the young lady immediately about any desirable
changes. May I request that you inform me when the visit by my private secretary
will not disturb you; with regards in reverential respect, yours truly,
67. From Nathan Ratnoff[1]
New York, [27 February 1921]
american jewish physicians committee cordially invites visit america our expense
in interest medical school and university
visit would assure complete
success plans for completion university project = ratnoff president
Translator’s note: Original written in English.