9 6 D O C U M E N T S 1 2 5 , 1 2 8 A P R I L 1 9 2 1
125. To Henry A. Miers[1]
New York City, Commodore Hotel, 20 April 1921
Dear Sir Henry,
Please accept my sincere thanks for your kind invitation, which I have much
pleasure to
I am sailing from New York either on the 24th or on the 28th
of May and shall go directly to Manchester on landing in England. After delivering
my lecture there, I will go most probably to London, where I am expected to deliver
one or two lectures at the King’s
I hope that this arrangement is acceptable to your university. I cannot state with
any precision the date of my lecture since it would depend upon sailing, but it will
probably take place between the first and ninth of June.
Kindly confirm receipt of this letter by cable (Hotel Commodore, New York
I am, yours very truly.
Translator’s note: Original written in English.
126. From Félix Michaud[1]
Paris, 25 April 1921
[Not selected for translation.]
127. To Solomon Rosenbloom[1]
[New York, 27 April 1921]
[See the documentary edition for the original English.]
128. From Louis D. Brandeis[1]
Washington, D.C., 29 April 1921
My dear Prof. Einstein,
I am asking one of my
to send you the data for which you ask—so
far as they are available
It was indeed a great pleasure to see you and Mrs.
Most cordially,
Louis D. Brandeis.