D O C U M E N T S 3 2 1 , 3 2 2 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 1 1 9 9
321. From Theodor von Kármán[1]
Aachen, 12 December 1921
Dear Mr. Einstein,
I do not know whether you received my letter regarding the affair of the Aachen
Gymnasium [secondary school], in which we wanted to appeal to you, among oth-
ers as well. As a very good friend of mine from Aachen, Mr. W.
to see you about this matter, I am writing you quickly again. Please be kind enough
to receive Mr. Renner; you would oblige me very much if you would amiably dis-
cuss this business with him. Mr. Renner is one of the most charming people I know,
full of idealism and also of true democracy. Many former members of our Göttin-
gen circle, such as
and I, have much to thank him for. A person of the
noblest goodwill.
The affair is briefly this, that the Belgian military authorities have confiscated
for a few officers’ children Aachen’s only non-Catholic Gymnasium along with its
Quite apart from the fact that this school educates an important seg-
ment of our polytechnic’s next generation, the illegality is clear and dangerous as
a precedent. So we wanted to collect a few world-famous names, i.a., in the first
place also from non-German scholars, for a submission to the Belgian government.
I am convinced that the step would be successful, because the civilian authority was
not for the confiscation, and it only happened as an arbitrary military act.
May we hope that you will cosign it?
With cordial regards and all due respect, yours,
322. From Stefan Zweig[1]
Salzburg, 12 December 1921
Esteemed Professor,
Permit me, although sadly I have not had the pleasure of meeting you personally,
to contact you along the most direct route.
A French friend of mine, the writer François
who accompanied Anatole
France on his trip to
urgently wrote me that Anatole France very
much wishes to meet you, esteemed
upon his return to Berlin and, if
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