I N D E X 6 4 5
270, 279, 289n, 297, 311, 320, 356, 373, 417,
444, 465, 469, 471–472, 476; AE brings vio-
lins to, xliv; AE responds regarding Berlin
Philharmonic event, xl; AE visits Ehrenfest
family, xxxii, xxxvii; advises AE not to par-
ticipate in Halle meeting, xlv; and Tatiana
Ehrenfest, 247, 251; atheism of, 20; collects
literature and instruments for his Russian col-
leagues, 376, 404, 425–426; criticizes AE’s
attire, 252; deep sympathy by AE for, 298;
depressed, 368; disapproves of Einstein
1920f, 403–404, 426; discusses phenomenon
of superconductivity with AE, xlvii; expe-
dites AE’s appointment at University of Ley-
den, 364; feeling of inferiority, 375; financial
problems, 368; GDNÄ meeting in Nauheim,
expects demonstration against AE at, 369;
initiates meeting on magnetism (“Magnet-
Woche”), xlvi, 366, 368, 404; invited to 1921
Solvay meeting, 303; invites Epstein to Uni-
versity of Leyden, 285n, 289; liver condition
of, 476; Lorentz’s successor in Leyden, xlii;
offers AE full professorship at University of
Leyden, xxxix, 389; on AE’s US visit, 479–
480; offers Leyden as refuge for AE, 389; on
AE’s inaugural lecture, 366, 385; on Bohr,
xlvii, 244; on AE’s invitation to University of
Wisconsin, 479; on approval of a professor-
ship for AE, 344; on expectations toward AE,
366; on curators of AE’s Leyden professor-
ship, 366; on Dutch visa for AE, 241–242,
375; on English edition of Einstein 1917a,
385; on length contraction, 6; on paramagnet-
ism, 366–368, 376; on research of Russian
colleagues, 426; on AE’s attire for inaugural
lecture, 375; plays Bach for AE, 253; plays
music with AE, 220, 222–223, 519; praised
for cleverness, 223; reads Bergson, 368; on
rigid rotation in special relativity, 14; re-
quests AE’s intervention for transit visa for
Russian physicists, 517; requests that AE ex-
press appreciation of Julius’s research, 518;
visit by Russian physicists, 465, 517; violins
for daughters of, 252, 344, 366, confiscated
in Bentheim, 247, AE on, 356
Ehrenfest, Paul Jr. (1915–1939): 257, 404; AE
plays with, 247
Ehrenfest, Tatiana (1905–1984), 344
Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa, Tatiana (1876–1964):
xxxvii, 220; visits Katwijk with AE, 270
Ehrenfest paradox, 6, 7n, 10, 14
Ehrenhaft, Felix (1879–1952): 294–295, 436n,
546n; AE on appointment of at University of
Vienna, 322–323, 580c; approached by Wey-
land for anti-relativity lecture, 422; expresses
sympathy for AE, 422; invites AE to lecture
in Vienna, 608c, accepted, 609c, 610c; nega-
tive photophoresis, Rubinowicz on, 580c; on
his difficulties in obtaining chair at Universi-
ty of Vienna, 422; on his lecture at GDNÄ
meeting in Bad Nauheim, 422; on subelec-
tron, 295–297, Norst on, 580c
Einbeck, Georg (1870–1951), 402
Einstein Donation Fund: 372n, 571c, 577c, 582c,
601c; board of trustees, members, 578c; con-
tributions, 372, 527, 582c. See also Freund-
lich, Erwin
Einstein Tower Solar Observatory, xlix
EINSTEIN, ALBERT (1879–1955):
APPOINTMENTS: foreign member of Royal
Dutch Academy of Sciences, xlv; member
of advisory committee of DPG, 24n;
member of scientific committee of
GDNÄ, 440, 600c; member of special
board of trustees of Zeitler’s Studenten-
haus-Zusatzstiftung, 603c; position at
University of Vienna, gives consideration
to an offer of, 38; special professor at Uni-
versity of Leyden, xlii–xlvi, 242n, 246,
257, 279, 298, 337, 585c, accepts, 587c,
confirmed by Queen Wilhelmina, 600c,
held up for political reasons, 252, Lorentz
on, 320, reasons for delay unknown, 277,
salary, 588c; director of KWIP, 68; at
ETH, xxxiii, 17; trustee of Einstein Dona-
tion Fund, 578c
COURSES: at University of Berlin, 602c; at
University of Zurich, 175, 178, 197–202,
205–206, 208–209, tired of, 208
FINANCES: devaluation of German mark, 81,
121, 362; expenses for Eduard Einstein’s
sanatorium, 89, 91, 113, 121, 126, 129,
133, 135, 137, 145; honorarium from An-
schütz-Kaempfe, 533, 544; honorarium
requested from Princeton, l; honorarium
for copyright of Russian edition of Ein-
stein 1917a, 570c, 572c, 573c, for lecture