CALENDAR 1920 5 7 7
June 6–15 Dft to Friedrich Czapek in Ilse Einstein’s hand on the verso
of Czapek’s letter (3 May, in Calendar). His answer is late
because he had been visiting in the Netherlands. Promises to
fulfill Czapek’s
[43 500].
June 7 1-page TLS from the City Council of Greater Berlin. Refer-
ring to a personal discussion of Chairman Erich Marx with
Einstein on 5 June (see after 1 June, in Calendar), the Coun-
cil transfers 10,000 M to Einstein’s account for financial
help to physics students. [43 418].
1-page TLS from Peter Debye. Inquires whether the high-
voltage transformer for which KWIP allocated 16,030 M
and which was delivered to Göttingen can be transferred to
Zurich and used there. GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 1, Mappe
Debye. [77 993].
1-page TLS from Vieweg publishing house. The 6,000
copies printing of the 9th edition of Einstein 1917a is com-
pleted. 3,000 M royalty and 299.95 M for eighty nonre-
quested free copies have been remitted. [42 049].
June 8 2-page ALS from Karl Gerhards. Requests a meticulous
reading and comments on part 4 of Gerhards 1922.
[43 742].
June 8–18 The Ministry of Education arranges for the allocation of the
funds for the tower telescope from the state budget by
requesting estimates, construction plans, and management
information from the board of trustees of the Einstein
Donation Fund (Erwin Freundlich). GyBSA, I. HA, Rep. 76
Vc, Sekt. 1, Tit. 11, Teil 5c, Nr. 55, Bl. 14, 45. [83 290,
83 296].
before June 10 Budget of KWIP for fiscal year from 1 April 1920 to 31
March 1921 sent to Friedrich Schmidt-Ott. Of the
160,400 M, 126,400 M were spent for instruments and
research associates. GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 1665, Bl.
87. [77 958].
June 10 Einstein is obligated to take the oath of allegiance to the
constitution, which was required of all civil servants and
discussed after the Kapp Putsch (GyBAW, II-III, Bd. 38,
Bl. 52 v. [79293]), despite the fact that Einstein was hired
solely as scientific researcher without other obligations.
GyBAW, II–III, Bd. 38, Bl. 53. [79 294].