6 4 6 I N D E X
EINSTEIN, ALBERT (1879–1955): FINANCES (cont.)
at Chemisch-Physikalische Gesellschaft
in Vienna, 609c, for lecture at Kiel Au-
tumn Week for Arts and Sciences, 549; in-
come, 81, 83, 89, from Luftverkehrs-
gesellschaft, 106–107; PAW salary raise,
613c; royalties, for 9th German edition of
Einstein 1917a, 577c, for 10th edition of
Einstein 1917a, 592c, 597c–601c, cheque
with royalty for 10th edition lost, 611c,
for 11th and 12th editions of Einstein
1917a, 607c, for English edition of Ein-
stein 1917a, 569c, 593c, 608c, for 4th En-
glish edition of Einstein 1917a, 610c,
612c, 613c, for French edition of Einstein
1917a, 574c, for Spanish edition of Ein-
stein 1917a, 591c, for Einstein 1920j,
613c, for new printing of Einstein 1916f,
573c, 596c; salary, xxxvii, xliii, xlv, in
1919 as director of KWIP, 598c, as spe-
cial professor at University of Leyden,
588c, raised by PAW, 579c, 580c, 606c,
by KWG, 572c; shares from SAG, 231,
234, 567c; support for Pauline Einstein,
81; support for Swiss family, 67, 69, 81,
89, 92, 106, 110, 133, 136, 137, 279, 330,
342, 362, 418, 444, 528, 567c; tax prob-
lems, 106, 133, 135
by Anschütz-Kaempfe, 458,
531, 533, 544; Association for Combating
Anti-Semitism to join executive board,
432, 597c; Borns, 361, 418; Cassirer,
586c; De Haas-Lorentz, 602c; Exner, to
join Freie Vereinigung für Technische
Volksbildung, Vienna, 583c, declines,
586c; Freie Akademische Vereinigung an
der Technischen Hochschule Dresden, ac-
cepts, 599c, 601c; German Red Cross, on
American support for German science,
599c; Grossmann, to University of Zur-
ich, declines, 211; Julius-Einthoven,
597c; Landau, 592c; F. Lindemann, to
Oxford, 535; E. Meyer, to University of
Zurich, declines, 211; Pfeiffer to join or-
ganizing committee of exhibition and
congress on German book, 584c, declines,
584c; Rosen, 570c, 571c, 573c; Schmidt,
for lunch, 598c; Trowbridge, declines,
494; University of Bern, 597c; University
of Rostock, attends, 222; Zeitler’s Studi-
enhaus-Zusatzstiftung, to session of,
603c; to KWG meeting on salaries, 570c;
to the United States, l; to Vienna, 532;
University of Frankfurt, 599c; University
of Oslo, declines, 488; University of Zur-
ich, 481, declines, 496–497
LECTURE: at Allgemeine
Studenten-Vertretung an der Technischen
Hochschule Dresden, 590c, accepts, 591c,
608c, 612c, 613c; at Chemisch-Phys-
ikalische Gesellschaft in Vienna, by
Ehrenhaft, 608c, accepts, 609c, 610c; at
Columbia University, 17, 442; at Danish
Astronomical Society, 244, 568c; at Freie
Vereinigung für technische Volksbildung
in Vienna, declines, 609c; at GDNÄ meet-
ing in Bad Nauheim, 302, declines, 353; at
German Pharmacological Society, 589c,
declines, 598c; at Kiel Autumn Week for
Arts and Sciences, 330, accepts, 570c; at
PAW public session, 604c; at Princeton
University, 441, 443, 491, 494, 514, 601c,
accepts, 490, financial demands, 539; at
Schwäbische Sternwarte Society, 419; at
1921 Solvay meeting, 302, 312; at Tech-
nical University of Dresden, 532; at Uni-
versity of Basel, 602c, postpones, 606c; at
University of Oslo, 462; at University of
Peking (Beijing), 598c; at University of
Utrecht, 375; at University of Vienna, de-
clines, 17; at University of Wisconsin,
479, 494, 514, 604c; at Urania, Vienna,
accepts, 609c, terminates series, 610c; at
Zentralkomitee für das ärztliche Fortbil-
dungswesen in Preußen, 599c; by Arbeits-
gemeinschaft 1920, Munich, 451–452; by
Austrian section of Society of German
Engineers, 385n; by Norwegian Students’
Association, 246, 275, 292; to Gauverein
of DPG in Munich, 452; in Hanover, 444,
446, 475; in Karlsruhe, 11; in Madrid,
583c, declines, 587c; in Munich, 530–
531, 543, declines, 532; in Spain, 443,
571c, accepts, 576c, declines, 586c, 590c;
in the US, 491; by National Research
Council, 514, declines, 494, 496, 612c, fi-
nancial demands, 490, 494, 514–515,
523n–524n, Ehrenfest on, 481, on agent in