CALENDAR 1920 6 0 9
independent persons who might assist him to continue his
studies. [43 684].
1-page TLS from Harry Schmidt. Thanks for the corrections
made in his Schmidt 1920. Following Einstein’s request,
he will not communicate Einstein’s card to the editor.
[44 967].
2-page TLS from Hugo Seemann. Gives details of his
research. He will spend the 5,500 M for acquiring a Gaede
piston pump and a diffusion pump. GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34,
Nr. 10, Mappe Seemann. [77 626].
after November 28 Dft to Herbert Fischer in Ilse Einstein’s hand. Willing to
provide financial help for taking his examinations for the
diploma, but not for completing work on the thesis.
[43 686].
November 29 1-page TLC to Felix Ehrenhaft. Informed Lederer that he is
willing to lecture on 10 and 11 January 1921 to the
Chemisch-Physikalische Gesellschaft and proposed 5,000
crowns as honorarium and travel costs. Accepted the invita-
tion of Urania, too, to lecture there on 13 January, but
rejected that of the Freie Vereinigung für technische Volks-
bildung. [10 367].
November 30 3-page ALS from Jeanne Rouvière. Thanks for the correc-
tions and apologizes that the first galleys had been sent by
M. Ducrot before she could complete corrections. Asks Ein-
stein to recommend her as translator, especially of mathe-
matical writings. [44 824].
Dft to Encyclopaedia Britannica on the verso of its letter of
19 November, in Calendar, in Ilse Einstein’s hand. Because
of heavy commitments, he cannot write the contribution he
was asked for. [43 638].
December 2 Meeting of the KWIP board of directors. Proposes 5,000 M
for Otto von Baeyer, 7,000 M for [Christian] Füchtbauer,
10,000 M for Hedwig Kohn, 8,000 M for Robert W. Pohl,
1,500 M for Ernst Wagner, 10,000 for [Paul] Knipping, and
1,500 M for Heinrich Rubens. Einstein to KWIP board of
trustees (7 December, in Calendar).
1-page TLC from Max von Laue. Recommends Fritz
Lange’s request for 530 M from KWIP to obtain an X-ray
tube. He intends to investigate whether the absorption of