5 7 2 CALENDAR 1920
May 15 To “Wostok” publishing house from Ilse Einstein, on behalf
of Einstein. Agrees to transfer the right of translation of Ein-
stein 1918k to “Wostok.” [41 106]
2-page TLS from Robert W. Lawson. Acknowledges receipt
of additions to Einstein 1917a, and the curriculum vitae (see
22 April in Vol. 9, Calendar). Has not received Einstein’s
picture, but Methuen publishing house informed him that it
had received Einstein’s sketched portrait. Regrets Einstein’s
dissatisfaction with his manuscript for Nature, as well as the
complications with the contract (see entry of 5 May). Asks
whether Einstein would consent to an English edition of
Einstein 1920j. [44 272].
3-page ALS from Jeanne Rouvière. Hermann publishing
house is interested in the French publication of Einstein
1917a and has sent a letter to Einstein six weeks earlier out-
lining terms. They are waiting for his response. [44 823].
May 16 Switzerland votes by referendum in favor of joining the
League of Nations.
May 17 French and Belgian troops leave the cities in Germany that
they had occupied.
May 18 1-page ALSX from H. A. Lorentz. Cannot attend Einstein’s
19 May evening lecture in Leyden on “Raum und Zeit.”
[16 508].
2-page TLS from Friedrich Schmidt-Ott. The KWIP board
of trustees approved the support granted to Fritz Weigert,
Hedwig Kohn, Wilhelm Hallwachs, Peter P. Koch, James
Franck, and Rudolf Seeliger in the amounts submitted by
the board of directors on 22 April. GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A,
Nr. 1657. [77 316].
May 19 Lectures on “Raum und Zeit in der neueren Physik” at the
University of Leyden under the auspices of the Leyden
Society for Scientific Lectures (Leidsche Vereeniging voor
Wetenschappelijke Voordrachten). Nieuwe Rotterdamsche
Courant, 20 May 1920, EE; Friedrich Rosen, Deutsche
Gesandtschaft [Haag], to Auswärtiges Amt, 25 May 1920,
GyBPAAA, R 64673. [82 259]).
His salary as director of the KWIP is doubled. Minutes of
the board of trustees of KWG. GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A,
Nr. 1665. [77 955].