6 4 4 I N D E X
Czapek, Friedrich, 568c, 577c, 579c
Daheim, boarding-house of Lydia Stahel-Bau-
mann, 110n
Dahlem, AE lives in, 22
Dällenbach, Walter (1892–1990): on AE’s con-
cept of a “measuring rod,” 591c; on rotating
magnets in general relativity, 591c, AE on,
348, Besso on, 354
Danish Astronomical Society: 568c; invites AE
to lecture, 244; AE lectures at, 321, 581c
Darmstadt, plans for Hans Albert Einstein to at-
tend school in, xxxvii
Darquet, Gabriel, 578c
Debije, Pieter. See Debye, Peter
Debye, Peter (1884–1922): 17, 20, 22, 25, 28,
208, 256, 317, 481, 516, 577c, 611c, 612c,
613c; on polarizability of molecules, 443;
plans to write book on relativity, 513; profes-
sor at University of Göttingen, 25n; professor
at University of Utrecht, 25n; promoted to
professorship at University of Zurich, 17, 25;
transformer on loan from KWIP, 584c
Delbrück-Dernburg petition: 97n; AE signs, 33n
Deng, L., sends food package to Elsa Einstein,
267, 270, 275
Department of Education, Canton of Zurich, ac-
cepts AE’s conditions for lecturing, 567c
Der Tag, xxxviii
Descartes, Rene; (1596–1650), 191
Deslandres, Henri (1853–1948), 382
Dessau, Bernardo, requests information on edu-
cation at Technion in Haifa, 591c
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auslandsbuchhandel,
invites AE to join organizing committee,
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. See Ger-
man Physical Society
Deutscher Gesellig-Wissenschaftlicher Verein
of New York, solicits contribution to album,
Dickmann, Ina: xxxix; expresses sympathy for
AE, 388
Die Naturwissenschaften, xxxviii
Diffusion: 54; Tamman on, 13n
Dimensions, in Newton’s law of motion, 347
Dispersion: anomalous, Larmor on, 252n; theory
of, 248
Disraeli, Benjamin (1804–1881), 463
Dissociation: of electrolytes, literature for AE
on, 575c; of gases, 15, 17
Divorce contract: AE accepts, 155; draft of, 156–
159, 163, 165; of 1918, 150; Mileva Einstein-
Maric; accepts AE’s proposal, 146; Mileva
Einstein-Maric; denies that she had initiated
divorce proceedings, 41; terms of financial
support, 159; Zürcher on, 147
Donder, Théophile de (1872–1957): requests
copy of Einstein 1919a, 363; on energy ten-
sor, 370–371; on his notation in general rela-
tivity, 376–377
Doppler shift. See Relativity, special theory of
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (1821–1885), 152–153
DPG. See German Physical Society
Drechsler, R. W., 570c, 571c, 573c
Driesch, Hans (1867–1941), 307
Droste, Johannes (1886–1963), 55n
Dutch Academy (Amsterdam): nominates AE as
corresponding member, 270–271; elects AE
as corresponding member, 268n, 274–275,
287; inducts AE as corresponding member,
xlv, 277
Dyson, Frank W. (1868–1939), 222n
Earth orbit, observation of eccentricity by red-
shift, AE on, 61
Eastern European students, AE’s course in Ber-
lin for, 386
Eclipse, solar, expedition of 1914: planned, 22–
23; failure of, 25
Eclipse, solar, expedition of 1919: xxxvi; posi-
tive results of, 222
Eclipse expeditions. See Relativity, general
theory of
Eddington, Arthur S. (1882–1944): 222–223,
226n, 309, 380, 500; eclipse expedition of,
xxxvii; Lorentz on book by, 320, 365; on pos-
itive results of 1919 eclipse expedition, 222,
223; on Weyl’s theory, 349n; publishes re-
buttal against Guillaume, xlviii; sends report
of 1919 eclipse expedition to AE, 309
Egidy, Moritz von (1847–1898), 329
Ehrenberg, Helene (1852–1920), 315, 361n
Ehrenberg, Viktor (1851–1929), 449n
Ehrenbergstraße. See Berlin: Ehrenbergstraße
Ehrenfest, Arthur (1862–?), 385n
Ehrenfest, Paul (1880–1933): xxxi, xlvi, 10, 20,
25n, 50–52, 56, 219n, 223, 253, 262, 267,