6 1 0 CALENDAR 1920
X-rays in nonregular monocrystals depends on the direction
of polarization. [40 135].
December 3 Tgm to Wiener Urania: “Weitere Vorträge wegen Zeitman-
gel unmöglich. Titel die ‘Relativitätstheorie’.” [10 370].
December 6 2-page TLS from Harry Schmidt. Returns Arnold Berliner’s
letter to Einstein (Doc. 217) which Einstein had forwarded
to him. Accepts Berliner’s reasons for not publishing a note
by Einstein of Schmidt’s behalf. Also accepts Einstein’s
wish that he make not public use of his earlier favorable
opinion on Schmidt’s book. Has shown Einstein’s positive
opinion only to close aquaintances and to his publisher Har-
tung. [44 971].
December 7 2-page TLS to KWIP board of trustees. Submits the pro-
posal of the KWIP board of directors (see 2 December, in
Calendar). GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 1657. [77 329].
December 8 2-page TLS from Felix Ehrenhaft. Happy with Einstein’s
letter of 29 November, in Calendar. Einstein’s lectures will
be on 10 and 11 January 1921. Requests to send the title and
any questions both to him and to Lederer, the new president
of the Chemisch-Physikalische Gesellschaft. Glad to have
Einstein as his guest in his house. [10 369].
2-page ALS from Robert W. Lawson. Forwards letter from
editor of Nature. The editor envisages a special issue on rel-
tivity with contributions by European scholars and solicits a
short paper on any aspect of relativity. The English transla-
tion of Einstein 1917a is now in its 4th edition and is well
received. [44 278].
1-page TLS from Methuen publishing house. The American
publishers had to increase the price of the English transla-
tion of Einstein 1917a, therefore Methuen also pays a pro-
portionately higher advance remuneration of 700.99 Dutch
guilders and a small additional sum due to a favorable
exchange rate. The money was sent to Paul Ehrenfest’s
address. A card of 7 December 1920 with a formal notice
that a check is enclosed is attached. [69 002, 69 002].
after December 8 “Brief Outline of the Development of the Theory of
Relativity” (Vol. 7, Doc. 50) is signed.
December 10 1-page TLS to Peter Debye. In Bad Nauheim, Debye backed
out of accepting the transformer for only a short term. Asks