5 8 8 CALENDAR 1920
1 June 1920. The edition will amount to 5,000 copies.
Vieweg asks for the manuscript of the 10th edition because
there is great demand for the book. [42 052].
July 24 “To the ‘General Association for Popular Technical
Education’” (Vol. 7, Doc. 42) is published.
July 25 Statement “On New Sources of Energy” (Vol. 7, Doc. 43) is
1-page TLS from Alfred Magnus. Gives thanks for the addi-
tional 600 M from KWIP but does not accept it because he
considers the price for the resistors too high. GyBP, I. Abt.,
Rep. 34, Nr. 8, Mappe Magnus. [77 867].
July 26 1-page TLS from Cornelis van Vollenhoven. Gave informa-
tion in Einstein’s letter of 20 July, in Calendar, to the press.
Einstein has been nominated by the university council for
three years with annual remuneration of 2,000 guilders.
[29 304].
before July 27 3-page TLS from German News Agency for Foreign Uni-
versity and Student Affairs. Announces its establishment
and invites Einstein to help them financially and intellectu-
ally. Their program is to restore international contacts with
student organizations in order to propagate German culture.
[43 541].
July 27 1-page TLS to KWIP board of trustees. Requests remittance
of 6,300 M to Walter Steubing by Mendelssohn & Co.
GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 1657. [77 323].
1-page TLS from Richard Fleischer. Requests that Einstein
write an article for the Deutsche Revue in response to recent
attacks against his relativity theory. [43 690].
4-page ALS from David Reichinstein. Is indignant that Fritz
Haber called him a fanatic. Plans to send an open letter to
Haber on the oxide theory of metallic passivity. Walther
Nernst, while at first reluctant, promised to help him find a
professorship in Germany. This promise indicates that the
principle of displacement (“Verdrängungsprinzip”; see
Doc. 55) is being accepted. [20 135].
July 28 2-page TLS from Edouard Guillaume. Replying to Doc. 77,
discusses his claimed new invariant quantity related to the
periods of clocks measuring time in different units. Claims
that it leads to the conclusion that the speed of light is not
invariant between different observers, which he calls the