D O C U M E N T 2 2 9 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 1 1 5 5
and other such rot.] is not the right place for you. The Lenards, Gehrckes,

their [names] are legion—are all perhaps (with the sole exception of Planck and the
deceased Rudolph
petulant and at the same time brute individuals,
Junkers and at the same time pitiful slaves of the Kaiser regime. It would lead me
too far astray to list the numerous examples I have in mind. Nor is this necessary.
It is established that (whether or not the mentioned character traits are endemic to
the Germany of privy-councillor-profs. or only occur sporadically) you personally
have suffered much by these compatriots in the last few years. On the other hand,
whether you live in Germany or in America, the fruits of your creative labors will
also find their way into Germany—and you will be doing more for everyone, the
whole of mankind, if you live in a more sound and thoroughly friendly atmosphere,
not just honored by everyone as a master, but also loved as a person. I would like
to add that it would surely be fortunate for your children (Mrs. Einstein had men-
tioned them in Princeton) to grow up in America and see all the doors of life’s
opportunities open to them.
Please consider all this and then write me soon about what you think. Dr. Gale’s
and Prof. Michelson’s further steps will depend on your answer (which I will con-
vey to Dr. Gale privately, confidentially).
As concerns the double stars (in connection with the relativistic theory of aber-
ration), I already wrote you on July
[You evidently still had not received the
letter when you last wrote me (on Aug. 10).] that I had found the simple solution
to this apparent problem and therefore withdrew the ms. from the Phil. Mag. Since
I already described all this in sufficient detail in my last letter, as mentioned, I do
not want to discuss it here anymore—but would like to urge you please to give me
your answer to the question with which that letter closes (regarding the rigorous
treatment of the aberration related to the Earth’s annual revolutions).
Finally, as concerns the terrestr. opt. experiment, Michelson recently wrote us
from Pasadena that he has enlarged the (light) triangle
He hopes
soon to reach the necessary dimensions for the triangle’s area of about km?
in order to be able to measure well the effect in question.
I shall report to you immediately about his results, since I am in constant contact
with Michelson and Gale.
I scarcely need to say how much I personally would be pleased if you were to
reply positively to Dr. Gale’s question posed above.
In genuine respect and with most cordial regards, yours very truly,
Ludwig Silberstein.
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