D O C U M E N T S 3 3 0 , 3 3 1 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 1 2 0 3
330. To Erwin Freundlich
Berlin, 20 December 1921
Dear Mr. Freundlich,
I spoke yesterday with Mr. Müller and obtained his consent to accept an appoint-
ment on our board of
So it is now up to us to put this matter right, espe-
cially since Mr. Ludendorff is also in
As concerns my
I ask you to arrange to have it handed over to me
immediately, without wasting another word on it. I had requested that you send it
back to me in the summer. You promised in writing to send it back immediately
upon your return from your summer trip. When you did not follow through with it
then, my wife wrote you a letter in this regard, to which you did not respond. Now
you retrospectively contend I had given the manuscript to you, for which there was
absolutely no reason. As if this were not enough, you took steps behind my back to
sell the manuscript abroad, as you yourself told me. I hope now that you will do
your duty without my having to admonish you again.
With kind wishes for the holidays, yours.
331. To Hugo Andres Krüss[1]
Berlin, 20 December 1921
Esteemed Professor,
I wrote a letter a few months ago, at the suggestion of Dr.
Pr[ivy] Councillor
about the planned appointment in Potsdam without
first consulting with Mr.
After having discussed this case at length
with the latter yesterday, I now see that he was justifiably indignant about this inci-
dent. I therefore feel compelled to request that, concerning this letter, action be
taken as if it had never been written.
In utmost respect, yours truly,
A. Einstein.
332. From Paul Painlevé
Paris, 20 December 1921
[Not selected for translation.]
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