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349. From Eduard and Hans Albert Einstein
Zurich, New Year’s Eve
Dear Papa,
Today I’m allowed to stay up until 12 o’clock; and to celebrate the occasion I’m
writing you. I’d already have written you at Christmas but [Hans] Albert took the
particular pleasure of getting sick on Christmas Eve. Sore throat, 40° fever, etc. But
we had a nice celebration anyway. I got a table-top croquet, something for the Mec-
cano, a few books, and from
a steam engine. We have a very pretty tree.
Albert got out of bed for the first time today.
That mailing from Lucerne arrived here
Something also came from
We’re now on holiday but on Tuesday it’s back to school
would be nice if you could come and celebrate Christmas with us once as well. That
never happened as long as I can remember.
Lots of love and heartfelt greetings for the New Year from
My headquarters are still in bed but I’m already doing quite fine again. Lots of love,