CALENDAR OF ABSTRACTS This listing contains abstracts of documents that belong to one of the following three cate- gories: (1) known letters by and to Einstein (or those written or received by his secretary, Ilse Einstein) that fall within this period and are excluded from the selection of texts on grounds explained in the Editorial Method. Variants of documents that are presented as texts do not appear here, nor do drafts that differ insignificantly from final versions that are presented as texts (2) letters written to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics board of directors and board of trustees, and to the administration of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society (3) aphorisms and signed dedications by Einstein, and signed dedications to Einstein by authors of books and articles. The following abbreviations are used: AE Albert Einstein ICIC International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation IE Ilse Einstein M German marks Vol. 5, 198a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 16 March 1910] Reads about cohesive forces in colloids and swelling under osmotic pressure while ill and in bed. Has Einstein 1910d (?) on his nightstand, as well as Einstein 1905j and 1905k, but does not understand everything. Has also read Smoluchowski 1908. Promises to visit AE in the coming days, and asks him to excuse Alfred Kleiner. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 1, p. 32. [95 288]. Vol. 5, 207a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, ca. 17 May 1910] Gives a graphic representation of the effect of iron oxide hydrate on surface tension. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 2, p. 33. [87 115]. Vol. 5, 208a. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 17 May 1910] Has tried to reduce surface tension by using the bubble (Bläschen) method. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 3, p. 33. [95 289]. Vol. 5, 208b. From Heinrich Zangger [Zurich, after 5 June 1910] Lists articles about homogeneous fluids that AE can use in a paper on critical opales- cence. Schulmann 2012, Doc. 4, p. 35. [95 290].