1 0 9 4 I N D E X AE on work of on relativity as escapades, 689 affine field theory, different from AE’s, 71, 88 and affine connection, 195 generalization of Riemannian geometry, 521 lectures on relativity, Zangger on, 108 longstanding disagreement with AE, 62n meeting with Epstein, 162 relationship to Reichenbächer’s work, 21n sends galley proofs of Weyl 1923c, 60 theory of, 160, AE on, 529 on unification of gravitation and electromag- netism, 521 Weyl-Eddington theory, xxxix, 263–264, 965 AE lectures on, 76, 806 De Donder on, 259–260, 282–283 did not lead to progress, 431, 521 and Hamilton principle, 426–432 needs to be thought through, 102 only mathematical speculation, 79 Zangger on, 108 See also Affine theory Weyssenhoff, Jan, 827a, 828a Wharton, James, 864a Whitney, Walter, 599n Wiechert, Emil (1861–1928), 822a Wiechmann, Hermann A., 473n Wiegand, Karl von, requests statement on solar eclipse results, 851a Wien, Wilhelm (1864–1928), 327, 554n, 885a on KWIP funds to purchase electromagnet, 880a, 883a Wien’s law, 211, 482 analogy in gas theory, 649, 650, 657n, 677 and Bose’s hypothesis, 477n not based on wave theory, 421n obtained on assumption of independent quanta, 583 and Planck’s law, 581 and statistics of light quanta, 483 used by AE, 417 Wiener, Samuel, book collection in Russia, Loewe proposes to buy, 873a Wigand, Albert (1882–1932), li, 555 on charge density of atmosphere, 547–549, 556–557, 617–618 on surface charge of Earth, 555–556 Wigner, E., lxxxii Wilensky, Jehuda (1870-1935), AE’s statement of sympathy for, 601 Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands (1880– 1962), 666n Williger, Fritz, 17n Willstätter, Richard (1872–1942), 377, 466, 470, 865a Board of Governors of Hebrew Univer- sity, 444 Wilson, Charles T. R., lxxxii Nobel Prize for, 221 Wilson, Woodrow (1856–1924), Zangger on in 1915, 826a Wind, Edgar (1900–1971), recommendation for, 320, 862a Winteler, Jost (1846–1929), 512–513 Winteler, Matthias, 847a Winteler, Paul (1882–1952), liv, 370n, 557, 558, 573, 578, 598, 600, 838a AE’s financial help to, 598, 885a, 888a, 891a on AE’s Swiss finances, 55 nervous, 596 praises Maja, 891a Winteler, Peter (1886–1963), 56 Winteler-Egger, Rosina (1893–1958), 56 Winteler-Einstein, Maja (1881–1951), liv, lxxvi, 370, 383, 486, 598, 600, 831a, 832a, 838a, 891a AE gives financial help to, 526, 557, 572, 578, 595, 596, 630 AE praises her modesty and musicality in 1917, 832a on AE’s new theory, 56 on condition of Albert-Lazard, 596–597 on Elsa’s illness, 845a house purchase, on financial problems of, 557– 558 on Ilse’s engagement, 348 invites AE and Elsa to settle in Rome, 55 invites Elsa and Margot, 573 misses nephews, 56 on opening a pension, 557–558 as possible caretaker of Hans Albert in 1917, 832a praises Auguste Hochberger, 350 praises Mileva as good mother, 55–56 sends flowers on AE’s birthday, 349 writes AE’s biography, 55, 845a Winternitz, Josef (1896–1952), lix, 866a debate with AE on a priori principles, 242n Winternitz 1923, AE on, 239–240 Wirtschaftspolitische Gesellschaft, requests an article from AE on his research, 858a Wise, Stephen S., 882a