Volume 5: The Swiss Years: Correspondence, 1902-1914

Volume 5: The Swiss Years: Correspondence, 1902-1914
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This volume is available in hardcover at http://press.princeton.edu/titles/5340.html.
Table of Contents
Volume 5: The Swiss Years: Correspondence, 1902-1914
Table of Contents pages: 1 2 3
- List of Texts xi11
- List of Illustrations xxix29
- Introduction to Volume 5 xxxi31
- Supplement to the Editorial Method in Previous Volumes xxxix39
- Acknowledgments xliii43
- Note on the Translation xlv45
- List of Location Symbols xlvi46
- List of Descriptive Symbols xlix49
- TEXTS 151
- Vol. 1, 34a. To Pauline Winteler 353
- Vol. 1, 48a. To Rosa Winteler 353
- Vol. 1, 98a. To Carl Paalzow 454
- 1. To Mileva Maric 555
- 2. To Hans Wohlwend 656
- 3. Dedication, Einstein as Member of the Olympia Academy 757
- 4. Marriage Certificate 959
- 5. To Michele Besso 1060
- 6. From Michele Besso, with Two Enclosures 1262
- 7. To Michele Besso 1767
- 8. To Helene Savic 1969
- 9. From Emma Ehrat-Uhlinger, with Comments by Einstein 1969
- 10. To Emma Ehrat-Ühlinger 2070
- 11. To Jakob Ehrat 2171
- 12. From Mileva Einstein-Maric 2272
- 13. To Mileva Einstein-Maric 2272
- 14. To Conrad Habicht 2373
- 15. To Conrad Habicht 2474
- 16. To Conrad Habicht 2474
- 17. To Marcel Grossmann 2575
- 18. To Conrad Habicht 2676
- 19. To Helene and Milivoj Savic 2777
- 20. To Mileva Einstein-Maric 2777
- 21. To Conrad Habicht 2878
- 22. To Conrad Habicht 2878
- 23. To Conrad Habicht 2979
- 24. From the Swiss Patent Office 2979
- 25. To Conrad Habicht 3080
- 26. To Conrad Habicht 3080
- 27. To Conrad Habicht 3181
- 28. To Conrad Habicht 3282
- 29. To Rudolf Martin 3383
- 30. To Conrad Habicht 3484
- 31. Expert Opinion by Alfred Kleiner and Heinrich Burkhardt on Einstein's Dissertation 3585
- 32. To Philipp Lenard 3787
- 33. From Josef Zametzer 3888
- 34. From the Swiss Patent Office 3888
- 35. To the Bern Municipal Gas and Water Works 3989
- 36. To Maurice Solovine 3989
- 37. From Max Laue 4191
- 38. To the Bern Municipal Gas and Water Works 4393
- 39. To Conrad Habicht 4393
- 40. From Wilhelm Röntgen 4393
- 41. To Jost Winteler 4494
- 42. To Helene and Milivoj Savic 4595
- 43. To Alfred Schnauder 4696
- 44. To Jost Winteler 4797
- 45. To Johannes Stark 4797
- 46. To the Department of Education, Canton of Bern 4898
- 47. From Max Planck 4999
- 48. To Conrad and Paul Habicht 56106
- 49. To Wilhelm Wien 60110
- 50. To Wilhelm Wien 62112
- 51. To Wilhelm Wien 63113
- 52. To Wilhelm Wien 64114
- 53. To Wilhelm Wien 66116
- 54. To Paul and Conrad Habicht 70120
- 55. To Wilhelm Wien 70120
- 56. To Conrad and Paul Habicht 72122
- 57. From Max Laue 72122
- 58. To Johannes Stark 74124
- 59. From the B. G. Teubner Publishing House 75125
- 60. From Johannes Stark 76126
- 61. To Johannes Stark 76126
- 62. From Hermann Minkowski 77127
- 63. To Johannes Stark 77127
- 64. From Max Planck 78128
- 65. From Richard Lorenz 79129
- 66. To Johannes Stark 79129
- 67. Swiss Patent Office Letter on the AEG Alternating Current Machine 80130
- 68. To Rudolf Ladenburg 81131
- 69. To Conrad Habicht 82132
- 70. From Max Laue 83133
- 71. To Marcel Grossmann 84134
- 72. To Arnold Sommerfeld 85135
- 73. To Arnold Sommerfeld 86136
- 74. From Adolf Gasser 89139
- 75. From Jakob Bosshart 91141
- 76. To the Council of Education, Canton of Zurich 92142
- 77. From Jakob Laub 93143
- 78. From Alfred Kleiner 94144
- 79. From Jakob Laub 94144
- 80. From Alfred Kleiner 95145
- 81. To Paul Gruner 96146
- 82. From Johannes Stark 97147
- 83. From Emil Bose 98148
- 84. To Conrad Habicht 99149
- 85. To Johannes Stark 99149
- 86. From Paul Habicht 99149
- 87. From Johannes Stark 103153
- 88. To Johannes Stark 104154
- 89. From Albert Gobat 105155
- 90. To Johannes Stark 106156
- 91. From Jakob Laub 106156
- 92. From Adolf Gasser 107157
- 93. From Paul Habicht 109159
- 94. From Joseph Kowalski 111161
- 95. From Paul Habicht 112162
- 96. To Mileva Einstein-Marid 114164
- 97. From Karl Jaberg 115165
- 98. From Heinrich Burkhardt 116166
- 99. From Paul Habicht 116166
- 100. From Aurel Stodola 118168
- 101. From Jakob Laub 119169
- 102. From Jakob Laub 121171
- 103. From Jakob Laub 122172
- 104. From Paul Habicht 123173
- 105. To Marian von Smoluchowski 124174
- 106. From Aurel Stodola 125175
- 107. From Lucien Chavan 125175
- 108. From Paul Habicht 126176
- 109. To August Hagenbach 128178
- 110. From August Hagenbach 129179
- 111. To August Hagenbach 129179
- 112. From Frau Ruprecht 130180
- 113. To Jakob Laub 130180
- 114. To Lucien and Jeanne Chavan-Perrin 132182
- 115. To Maurice Solovine 133183
- 116. From Maurice Solovine 133183
- 117. From Alfred Bucherer 133183
- 118. From Max Planck 135185
- 119. From Alfred Bucherer 136186
- 120. From Alfred Bucherer 139189
- 121. From the Rudolf Wyss Furniture Store 139189
- 122. From Paul Habicht 140190
- 123. From Adolf Gasser 140190
- 124. From Paul Habicht 141191
- 125. To Jakob Laub 144194
- 126. From the S. Hirzel Publishing House 145195
- 127. From Paul Gruner 145195
- 128. From Alfred Bucherer 147197
- 129. To Johannes Stark 150200
- 130. To Albert Gockel 150200
- 131. To Maurice Solovine 151201
- 132. To Johannes Stark 152202
- 133. From Arthur Schoenflies 153203
- 134. From Paul Habicht 154204
- 135. From Alfred Schweitzer 155205
- 136. From Wilhelm Wien 156206
- 137. From Dmitry Mirimanoff 157207
- 138. From Aurel Stodola 158208
- 139. To Jakob Ehrat and Emma Ehrat-Ühlinger 158208
- 140. To Otto Stoll 159209
- 141. To Lucien Chavan 160210
- 142. To Maurice Solovine 160210
- 143. To Jakob Laub 161211
- 144. To Albert Gockel 162212
- 145. From Josef Weiß 163213
- 146. To Hendrik A. Lorentz 166216
- 147. To Johannes Stark 167217
- 148. From Johannes Stark 167217
- 149. To Hendrik A. Lorentz 168218
- 150. To Conrad Habicht 169219
- 151. To Conrad Habicht 169219
- 152. From Ayao Kuwaki 169219
- 153. From Hendrik A. Lorentz 170220
- 154. To Anna Meyer-Schmid 181231
- 155. To Fritz Reiche 182232
- 156. From Wilhelm Fiedler 182232
- 157. To Alfred Stern 183233
- 158. To Jakob Ehrat 183233
- 159. From Jakob Laub 184234
- 160. To Jakob Laub 187237
- 161. To Jakob Laub 188238
- 162. From George Searle 190240
- 163. To Hendrik A. Lorentz 192242
- 164. From Lucien Chavan 197247
- 165. From Philipp Lenard 198248
- 166. To Georg Meyer 198248
- 167. To Friedrich Adler 199249
- 168. To Eilhard Wiedemann 200250
- 169. To the Swiss Department of Justice 201251
- 170. To Lucien and Jeanne Chavan-Perrin 201251
- 171. From Paul Tinguely 202252
- 172. To Johannes Stark 202252
- 173. To the Department of Education, Canton of Bern 203253
- 174. To Ernst Mach 204254
- 175. To Ernst Mach 205255
- 176. To Edgar Meyer 205255
- 177. To Conrad Habicht 206256
- 178. To Edgar Meyer 206256
- 179. To Arnold Sommerfeld 210260
- 180. To Lucien Chavan 211261
- 181. To Adolf Hurwitz 212262
- 182. To Edgar Meyer 212262
- 183. To Helene Savic 215265
- 184. To the Department of Education, Canton of Zurich 215265
- 185. To Conrad Habicht 216266
- 186. To Jean Perrin 216266