DOCUMENT 137 FEBRUARY 1909 157 [2]In the preceding expression, as well as below in this document, the square brackets, which are in the original, denote the vector product. Dmitry Mirimanoff's paper is Mirimanoff 1909a Hermann Minkowski's is Minkowski 1908. Minkowski's equation III"a is adapted from an equation with the same number in Lorentz 1904b (p. 209) it is a form of Ampere's law for moving magnetized media. Mirimanoff (1861-1945) had tried to bring Lorentz's equations for macroscopic electrodynamics of moving media into accord with Minkowski's relativistic ones. Einstein 1909a (Vol. 2, Doc. 55) shows that this is impossible. The symbols in the equation (and below) have their usual electromagnetic meaning, except Q (see the following note) and tt), which denotes the translation velocity. See Vol. 2, the editorial note, "Einstein and Laub on the Electrodynamics of Moving Media," p. 570, for a discussion. [3]In Einstein 1909a (Vol. 2, Doc. 55) Einstein shows that Mirimanoff's vector Q not only obeys the same equations as Minkowski's |), but that it also has the same physical meaning as the latter quantity. The conclusion of the paper is that Mirimanoff's and Minkowski's theories are identical. See the following document for Mirimanoff's reaction. 137. From Dmitry Mirimanoff[1] Cannes. le 12 fevrier 1909 Monsieur, Je vous remercie de votre si aimable lettre. Soyez assure que je serais tres heureux si l'occasion me permettait de faire votre Connaissance et tres flatte de mon cote d'avoir votre visite si jamais vous vous trouviez ä Geneve. Dejä je vous connaissais par vos interessantes publications. Au fond j'attache fort peu d'importance ä mon petit travail sur les equa- tions de Lorenz[2] et bien que je ne sois pas d'accord avec vous sur toutes les conclusions que vous tirez de cette 6tude, je suis heureux qu'elle ait attire vo- tre attention. Je compte publier dans quelque temps une petite note ä propos de votre "Bemerkung" dans laquelle je resumerai tres sommairement les re- flexions que j'ai eu l'avantage de vous presenter dans ma premiere lettre.[3] Aussi vous serais je tres reconnaissant si vous vouliez bien m'adresser un exemplaire de votre note quand elle aura paru, pour que je puisse la citer d'une maniere exacte. En vous remerciant encore une fois je vous prie, Monsieur, d'agreer l'ex- pression de ma consideration distinguee D. Mirimanoff. ALS. [17 370]. The envelope is addressed "Herrn Dr. A. Einstein Physiker Universität Berne Suisse," and postmarked "Cannes" [1]Mirimanoff was Privatdozent in mathematics at the University of Geneva. [2]H. A. Lorentz Mirimanoff 1909a. See the preceding document for more on Mirimanoff's work. [3]See Mirimanoff 1909b Einstein's "Bemerkung" is Einstein 1909a (Vol. 2, Doc. 55). In his response Mirimanoff stated that he had only wanted to investigate the consequences of the application of the relativity postulate to Lorentz's electrodynamical equations.
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