INDEX 687 student petition to retain AE at, 243 students in courses at, 244n succeeded by Peter Debye at, 291n correspondence: from Bodmer, Hans, 575n from Kowalski, Joseph, 55 from Langevin, Paul, 571n from Lewis, Gilbert, 262n from Savid, Helene, 45n from Swiss Department of Justice, 6n, 7n, 34n, 93n, 160n from Swiss Patent Office, 34n, 93n, 160n from Wohlwend, Hans, 589n from Zangger, Heinrich, 325n, 333n general with H. A. Lorentz, 187 general with Planck, Max, 50, 187 to Besso, Michele, 48n, 189n to Einstein-Marid, Mileva, 3n, 7n, 23, 23n, 26n, 34n, 38n, 85n, 93n, 160n, 183n, 204n, 447n, 458n, 481, 599n, 607n to Grossmann, Marcel, 12n, 34n, 85n, 93n, 160n to Habicht, Conrad, 34n, 93n, 160n to Hochberger, Auguste, 586n to Hurwitz, Lisbeth, 308n to Kamerlingh Onnes, Heike, 4n to Kaufler, Helene, 93n to Langevin, Paul, 571n to Niggli, Julia, 21n to Schaerer-Meyer, Erika, 199n to Stern, Alfred, 115, 183n to Swiss Patent Office, 12n to Winteler, Pauline, 3n, 45n, 382n to Zangger, Heinrich, 326n with Planck, Max, on quantum theory, 202 with Wien, Wilhelm, on superluminal velocity, 56-59, 60-71, 85 personal: comments on domestic life, 40 comments on own lifestyle, 545 courtcase against landlord, 599, 599n digestive problems, 114, 183, 210, 565 domestic life in Prague, comments on, 432 domestic problems, comments on, 560, 572, 585 education, own sum- mary of, 92, 159 expresses admiration for Arnold Sommerfeld, 210 expresses condolences to Jost Winteler, 44 feel- ings of ill will toward H. F. Weber, 481 financial support for Pauline Einstein, 23n friendship with W. H. Julius, 348n ill in Prague, 313 ill with cold, 160, 161 ill with diphthe- ria, 18n, 21 ill with influenza, 10 invited by Jakob Laub, 185 invited to stay with Lorentz family in Leyden, 276 invites Paul Ehrenfest to Prague, 393 invites H. A. Lorentz to Zurich, 359, 413 invites Edgar Meyer, 205 invites Marian von Smoluchowski to Prague, 429, 434 invites Hans Wohlwend, 6 invites Heinrich Zangger to Prague, 421 journey to Prague via Munich, 288 lack of free time, 565 lives above Adler family, 279n Löwenthal, Elsa: affection for, 456, 459, apologizes for neglecting to write to, 593, 597, resigned to breaking off relationship with, 459, destroys let- ters from, 457, joint trip to Wannsee with, 456, visit to in Berlin: 437, 544, 546n, 565, enjoyment of visit, 557, 560, promises to send picture to, 516, 517, 520, stops correspondence with, 469n makes acquaintance of Paul Habicht, 5n marriage to Mileva: 9, comments on wedded state, 19 miscal- culation of loan amount: 367, H. A. Lorentz's comment on, 364 move from Bern to Zurich: 211n, defrayal of expenses, 215, 216n move from Zurich to Prague, 273, 288, 288n, 291 move from Prague to Zurich: 403, 406, 408, 480n, 501n, defrayal of expenses, 407 move from Zurich to Berlin, 605n move to Aegertenstrasse in Bern, 39n, 40 move to Besenscheuerweg in Bern, 34n move to Kramgasse in Bern, 26n move to Moussonstrasse in Zurich, 212n move to Tillierstrasse in Bern, 9n nickname in Olympia Academy, 223n orders furniture, 139 personal hygiene, comments on, 570, 574, 585 plays music with Adolf Hurwitz, 308n plays music with Georg Pick, 307n plays music with Wohlwend family, 7n Prague: address in, 289n, com- ments on life in, 289, 293, 294, 295, 304, 400, 432 reads H. A. Lorentz's Göttingen lectures, 276 reads Ernst Mach's book on mechanics, 204 refers Ayao Kuwaki to Maurice Solovine, 160 religious affiliation: 266n, com- ments on, 254n reproached by Anton