688 INDEX Einstein, Albert (1879-1955) (cont.) Lampa for revealing name of succes- sor, 500n requests book by Boltzmann from Conrad Habicht, 99, 222, 230 seeks refuge in scientific work, 586 sends autograph to Ludwig Darmstaedter, 270 thanks Alfred Schnauder for compositions, 46 thanks Anna Meyer-Schmid for card, 181 thanks H. A. Lorentz for hospital- ity in Leyden, 281 trip from Karlsruhe to Heilbronn, 336n trips to Thun with Maurice Solovine, 5n tutors Lucien Chavan, 160n vacation in Lenk, 56 visit by Gasser family, 140 visit by Paul Ehrenfest in Prague, 408 visit by Max Laue in Bern: 78, Laue's com- ments on, 74n visit to August Marx in Karlsruhe, 378n visit to Ehrat family, 158 visit to Frankfurt, 344 visit to Koch family in Berlin, 458n visit to mother in Heilbronn, 336n visit to rel- atives in Heilbronn and Ulm, comments on, 557n visit with Heinrich Zangger to Ludwig Forrer, 332 work on general relativity, comments on intensity of, 517, 523 science: collaboration with Adriaan Fokker, 564n collaboration with Albert Gockel, 162 collaboration with Edouard Guillaume, 161 collaboration with Jakob Laub, 114 collaboration with Ludwig Hopf, 335 comments on first four papers, 31 comments on own scientific abilities, 86, 412 contro- versy with Johannes Stark on photochemical equivalence, 480 con- troversy with Max Abraham on theory of gravitation, 394, 394n, 406, 480, 501 evaluation of AE's work, 526-528 first paper on Brownian motion, comments on, 31 first paper on light quantum hypothesis, com- ments on, 31 first paper on special relativity: comments on, 31, time needed for completion of, 32n Jahr- buch paper: 76, 76, 82, corrections and additions to, 106, Johannes Stark's thanks for, 97n, agrees to write, 74, comments on, 77 lecture at GDNA meeting in Salzburg, 190n, 209, 210n lecture at Kyoto University, 32n lecture to Physikalische Gesellschaft of Zurich, 156n lecture in Leyden: 261, 269, 276, 283n, travel expenses paid by students, 270n lectures to Naturforschende Gesellschaft of Zurich: 265, 599n, publication of, 275n, 275, 305 lecture to Physi- kalische Gesellschaft of Zurich: 155, Alfred Kleiner's comments on, 158, Aurel Stodola's praise for, 158 lecture to Soci6t6 fran^aise de physique in Paris: 517, success of, 520 lectures to middle-school teachers in Zurich: 333n, 337, accepts Marcel Grossmann's invitation for, 294, topics of, 339n Maschinchen: experiments with, 150, 152, 161, problems with, 189, work on, 163n, 216n, work with Conrad Habicht on, 169 (see also Maschinchen) on lecturing abilities, 188 on usefulness of mathematics, 505 on writing down lecture on rela- tivity, 515 opinion on abilities of Peter Debye, W. H. Keesom, J. J. van Laar, and Leonard Ornstein, 373-375 Solvay Congresses: accepts invitation for first, 302, impressions of first, 345, asks permission to attend second, 561 (see also Solvay Congress, first, and Solvay Congress, second) work in Albert Gockel's laboratory, 124n work on quantum theory, comments on, 187, 189 Einstein, Albert, and Einstein-Marid, Mileva: rendezvous with Helene and Milivoj Savid in Kijevo, 45n Einstein, Abraham (1808-1868), 324n, 559n Einstein, Edith (1888-1960), 237n, 239n, 541 Einstein, Eduard (1910-1965), 215n, 290n, 335, 344n, 403n, 404n, 420n, 433n, 479n birth of, 248n, 248, 249 illness of, 593n, 599, 600n, 601, 603 nickname of, 607, 607n Einstein, Fanny (nee Koch) (1852-1926), 10n, 239n, 457n, 518n, 534n, 536 lives in Hechingen, 10n Einstein, Hans Albert (1904-1973), 26n, 45n,