DOCUMENTS 212, 213 JULY 1910 247 [12]The difficulties, according to Anton Lampa, a member of the commission which recom- mended Einstein's appointment (see Doc. 204, note 10), stemmed from the fact that Einstein was a foreigner. Lampa conveyed this information to Einstein, probably in June, and with an- other member of the faculty traveled to Vienna to intercede on Einstein's behalf, but to no avail (Kathia Adler to Victor Adler, 23 June 1910, AVVGdA, Adler-Archiv, Mappe 78). Lampa had benefited from this same xenophobia when he was chosen for his position at the German Uni- versity the previous year (see Kleinert 1975, pp. 285-288). At the end of 1910 the Minister of Education, Count Karl von Stürgkh (1859-1916), de- clared that he initiated negotiations with the candidate ranked second by the commission, Gustav Jaumann (1863-1924), rather than with Einstein, "in the interest of native candidates" ("im Interesse der inländischen Kandidaten"). This phrase is deleted in the draft typescript and replaced with handwritten supporting commentary for Jaumann's candidacy (see draft of Karl von Stürgkh memorandum to Emperor Franz Joseph 16 December 1910, AVSa, Unterricht 5 Prag Phil. Theoretische Physik 49733/1910). 212. From Geza Müller[1] [Schaffhausen,] Feldstr. 17. Emmersberg [1 July 1910] Hier sende ich Ihnen ein Konterfei meines Gleitfliegers[2] nebst besten Grüssen G. Müller AKS (Sz, Archiv der Einstein-Gesellschaft). [81 143]. The postcard is addressed to "Prof. Dr. A. Einstein Moussonstr.12 Zürich," and postmarked "Schaf[fha]usen 1.VII.10.-7." The post- mark is incomplete. [1]Müller (1894-1979) was a pupil at the Kantonsschule Schaffhausen. [2]On the verso of the postcard. 213. To Lucien Chavan [Zurich, 2 July 1910] Lieber Herr Chavan Ich danke Ihnen herzlich für die Sendung, insbesondere für den vortreffli- chen Graphitwiderstand.[1] Gleichzeitig schicke ich Ihnen-endlich-den kleinen Betrag. Es geht uns stets gut. Hoffentlich ist es bei Ihnen auch so. Es grüsst Sie und Ihre Frau Gemahlin bestens Ihr Einstein Freundliche Grüsse von meiner Frau und dem Kleinen. AKS (Sz, Archiv der Einstein-Gesellschaft). [72 284] The verso is addressed "Herrn L. Cha- van Beundenfeldstr. 5 Bern," and postmarked "Zürich [8] (Fluntern) 2.VII.10.-7." The post- mark is incomplete. [1]Einstein had requested a resistor and four telephones from CHAVAN six weeks earlier (see Doc. 207).
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

DOCUMENTS 212, 213 JULY 1910 247 [12]The difficulties, according to Anton Lampa, a member of the commission which recom- mended Einstein's appointment (see Doc. 204, note 10), stemmed from the fact that Einstein was a foreigner. Lampa conveyed this information to Einstein, probably in June, and with an- other member of the faculty traveled to Vienna to intercede on Einstein's behalf, but to no avail (Kathia Adler to Victor Adler, 23 June 1910, AVVGdA, Adler-Archiv, Mappe 78). Lampa had benefited from this same xenophobia when he was chosen for his position at the German Uni- versity the previous year (see Kleinert 1975, pp. 285-288). At the end of 1910 the Minister of Education, Count Karl von Stürgkh (1859-1916), de- clared that he initiated negotiations with the candidate ranked second by the commission, Gustav Jaumann (1863-1924), rather than with Einstein, "in the interest of native candidates" ("im Interesse der inländischen Kandidaten"). This phrase is deleted in the draft typescript and replaced with handwritten supporting commentary for Jaumann's candidacy (see draft of Karl von Stürgkh memorandum to Emperor Franz Joseph 16 December 1910, AVSa, Unterricht 5 Prag Phil. Theoretische Physik 49733/1910). 212. From Geza Müller[1] [Schaffhausen,] Feldstr. 17. Emmersberg [1 July 1910] Hier sende ich Ihnen ein Konterfei meines Gleitfliegers[2] nebst besten Grüssen G. Müller AKS (Sz, Archiv der Einstein-Gesellschaft). [81 143]. The postcard is addressed to "Prof. Dr. A. Einstein Moussonstr.12 Zürich," and postmarked "Schaf[fha]usen 1.VII.10.-7." The post- mark is incomplete. [1]Müller (1894-1979) was a pupil at the Kantonsschule Schaffhausen. [2]On the verso of the postcard. 213. To Lucien Chavan [Zurich, 2 July 1910] Lieber Herr Chavan Ich danke Ihnen herzlich für die Sendung, insbesondere für den vortreffli- chen Graphitwiderstand.[1] Gleichzeitig schicke ich Ihnen-endlich-den kleinen Betrag. Es geht uns stets gut. Hoffentlich ist es bei Ihnen auch so. Es grüsst Sie und Ihre Frau Gemahlin bestens Ihr Einstein Freundliche Grüsse von meiner Frau und dem Kleinen. AKS (Sz, Archiv der Einstein-Gesellschaft). [72 284] The verso is addressed "Herrn L. Cha- van Beundenfeldstr. 5 Bern," and postmarked "Zürich [8] (Fluntern) 2.VII.10.-7." The post- mark is incomplete. [1]Einstein had requested a resistor and four telephones from CHAVAN six weeks earlier (see Doc. 207).

