5 8 D O C S . 6 8 7 0 J U L Y 1 9 1 9 68. From Adolf Schmidt[1] Potsdam, 1 July 1919 Highly esteemed Colleague, I read with happy excitement and approbation the appeal by Romain Rolland and Barbusse to the intellectuals of all nations, which you also signed.[2] Wouldn’t it be appropriate to give everyone who believes in these views the pos- sibility to lend public expression to them and in that way to participate in dissemi- nating these views and in fighting against the aims of hatred and revenge that are so hostile to civilization? The appeal, which to some extent constitutes a shibboleth separating the opinions, will surely find thousands of signatures here too in our Germany and thus a basis for significant practical action will have been gained. Would you be inclined to examine more closely the idea of forming a committee that assumed the necessary administrative work to collect signatures of all intellec- tuals (in a not too narrowly defined sense) prepared to join the little troop of current signers?[3] With great respect, Ad. Schmidt. 69. From Edmund Mayer 2 July 1919 [Not translated for this volume.] 70. To Pauline Einstein [Zurich,] Thursday. [3 July 1919] Dear Mother, I have my courses on Friday, Saturday, and Monday evenings,[1] so I can come and see you all in the corresponding midweeks. Zangger, on the contrary, is only able to come around on Sundays, so it’s unlikely that we’re going to be able to come together.[2] Zangger even hopes and believes that we can go to Berlin together.[3] Nevertheless, I am still in favor of your going into professional care for a while, not least also to relieve Maja.[4] I suggest not waiting for Zangger with that, who inci- dentally also approves of it.
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