INDEX 415 wig van Brahms, Johannes Händel, Georg Friedrich Mozart, Wolfgang Ama- deus Music Schubert, Franz physics, comments on: black body radia- tion, 236, 295 capillarity, 264, 265, 267, 277, 285, 307, 312 cathode rays, 304 dif- fusion, see transport phenomena in gases dilute solutions, 292 Dulong-Petit law, 279-280, 283 electric currents, 5, 7, 9, 226-227 electricity, atomistic concept of, xxxix, xl, 226, 236, 237, 238 electrody- namics of moving bodies, xl, 223-225, 226-227, 230, 325, 328, 330 ether, xxxix, 5-6, 7-9, 224, 226, 230, 285, 330 ether drift, effect of, on light propagation, 230 glass, properties of, 280, 283 gravitation, relation to molecular forces, 265, 292 heat conduction, see transport phenomena in gases kinetic theory of gases, 261, 265, 266, 287, 291, 292, 295, 315, 327, 335n kinetic theory of liquids, 265, 279, 324 ki- netic theory of matter, 279, 287 light, ab- sorption of, see metals, optical properties of light, nature of, 236, 294-295 light, propagation of, in magnetic field, 7-9 light, transformation of kinetic energy into, 294-295 magnetic field, state of ether in, 7-9 magnetism, nature of, 287 matter, optical properties of, 279-280 me- chanical equivalent of heat, Weber's dis- cussion of, 86 mechanical explanations, 261 metals, electron theory of, xl, 236- 237, 284-285, 287, 304, 305n, 306, 310, 326n metals, optical properties of, 283 molecular forces, xl, 62, 264, 265, 266, 285, 290-291, 292-293, 295, 303, 324, Weber's discussion of, 130, 264 motion, relative, 225, 282, 325, of ether and mat- ter, 230 photoelectric effect, 236, 304 ra- diation, nature of, 286-287, Planck's the- ory of, xl, 236, 284, 286-287, solar, Weber's discussion of, 105 radiation from sinusoidal current, 258, 259n radiative losses in measurement of thermal conduc- tivity, Weber's discussion of, 74 resonator model, Planck's, xl, 236, 279, 286 rest, absolute, definition of, 225 specific heats, 236, 237, 238, 279, 283, 287, Weber's discussion of, 95, 99 spectra, optical, 279, 280 thermal and electrical properties, links between, 236, 284-285, 287 thermal and optical properties, links between, xl, 236, 279-280 thermodynamics, statistical foundations of, xl, 266, 316n thermoelec- tricity, xl, 236, 237, 238, 303 transport phenomena in gases, 265, 292 unity of apparently disparate phenomena, xl, 265, 290-291 viscosity, see transport phenom- ena in gases vocation as a physicist, xxxvi, 28 Voltaic cell, Weber's discussion of, 177 physics, experimental proposals: ether drift, 224, 225, 230, 234n, 316, 328, 329n general references, 61, 219, 227n heat conduction, 235-236, 244n light, propagation of, in magnetic field, 8-9 ra- diation, 224 specific heats, 235, 238 Thomson effect, 236, 258 physics, study of: Annalen der Physik, reading of, xl, 304, 305n atmospheric physics, 220 electricity and magnetism, 61, 148-210 electricity and magnetism, applied, 47, 49, 307 electromagnetic phe- nomena, 5, 6 experimental physics, 47, 48, 49, 277, 278, 307, 327 galvanometer, 32-35, 203-210 general references, xxxviii-xxxix, lxiv, 14, 16, 28, 46, 49, 60- 62, 63-210, 214 ion theory, 267 kinetic theory of gases, 260-261, 262, 315 Max- well's theory, 60, 213, 223, 226 mechan- ics, 46, 47, 49, 212, 214, 264, 292 physi- cal chemistry, 267 rigid bodies, 258 theoretical physics, 6, 264, 275, 307, 321 thermodynamics, 61, 62, 63-147, 212 wave propagation, 6 readings. See Bernstein, Aaron Boltz- mann, Ludwig Büchner, Ludwig Drude, Paul Föppl, August Forel, Auguste Hauptmann, Gerhart Heine, Eduard Helmholtz, Hermann von Hertz, Hein- rich Humboldt, Alexander von Kant, Im- manuel Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert Lan- dolt, Hans Lenard, Philipp Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon Lübsen, Heinrich Bor- chert Mach, Ernst Meyer, Oskar Emil Ostwald, Wilhelm Planck, Max Rein- ganum, Maximilian Schopenhauer, Ar- thur Sickenberger, Adolf Spieker, Theo- dor Violle, Jules Voigt, Woldemar Wien, Wilhelm. See also above names and Heis and Eschweiler 1881, Hoh 1885, Landolt and Börnstein 1894, in Index of Citations Aargau Kantonsschule, text- books Luitpold-Gymnasium, textbooks religious affiliation, lack of as adult, 20n, 269, 270n reminiscences of ae: Besso, Michele, 56n Byland, Hans, 11, 22n, 56n Daxen–
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