14 DOCUMENT 9 OCTOBER 1895 Notes to Doc. 8, continued original, where apparently the subject head- ings were arranged on a single horizontal line, with the grades or comments standing directly beneath the corresponding headings. A copy of these extracts was presented to the Einstein Archive in 1972 by the Erziehungsdeparte- ment of the Canton of Aargau. The original, then in either SzAK or SzASa, is no longer available. [1] As a pupil entering the school in the third year, Einstein presumably took a special en- trance examination, administered on or about 26 October, when he enrolled in the school (see Doc. 10). [2] The record of another pupil is omitted. [3] At this time, 1 was the highest and 6 the lowest grade for courses and for all examina- tions except the secondary-school leaving examination (Maturitätsprüfung), for which 1 was the lowest and 6 the highest grade. At the beginning of the school year 1896-1897, the latter system of grading was adopted for all courses and examinations (see printed an- nouncement of May 1896, SzASa, Erziehungs- department 1896, Mappe Ks. 11, between nos. 1815 and 1816). [4] The abbreviations "Gs" and "Nat. Gs" were typed on the copy of the document in the Einstein Archive to indicate the subjects of the last two grades. [5] In the original, two ditto marks are lo- cated under the notation "prov. aufg.," which is written as a comment on the first pupil's candidacy (see note 2). 9. Gustav Maier to Jost Winteler Zürich V, den 26 October 1895. Mittelstr. 12. Verehrter Freund! [...] Wichtig ist mir aber, daß Robert Koch unter Ihrer direktesten Aufsicht sei.[1] Besteht hierbei der geringste Unterschied gegen das Zimmer bei Ihrem Nachbar, d.h. ist Ihre Controlle dadurch irgendwie geringer, so würde ich freundlich bitten, zu tauschen und Albert Einstein, der viel reifer ist, als sein Vetter und daher der Aufsicht weniger bedarf,[2] wird gewiß diesem zulieb gerne das kleine Opfer bringen, wenn ich ihn freundlich darum ersuche.[3] [...] GustMaier. ALS (Sz, Wint. Korr. 298). [1] Einstein's cousin, Robert Koch (1879-?), entered the Aargau Kantonsschule at the same time as Einstein. MAIER attempted to arrange accommodations for both boys with the Winteler family, which frequently boarded pupils. [2] Although they were the same age, Ein- stein entered the Gewerbeschule as a third- year pupil, while Robert Koch entered the Gymnasium as a second-year pupil. [3] This sacrifice proved unnecessary. Ein- stein boarded with the Wintelers throughout his stay in Aarau.