414 INDEX AE, education (cont.) (Eidgenössische Polytechnische Schule) primary schooling, see Petersschule (Blu- menstraße) secondary schooling, see Aar- gau Kantonsschule and Luitpold-Gymna- sium electrotechnology, interest in, lxiv, lxiv n, 5, 253, 255 employment, attempts to find, xxxvii, 298, 304, 306, 308 Assistent, position as, xxxvi-xxxvii, 44, 44n, 269n, 285, 287, 290 of Battelli at Pisa, 285, 287 convinced Weber is hin- dering, xxxvii, 279, 281-282, 290 in Germany, hampered by anti-Semitism, 282 of Hurwitz at ETH, xxxvi, 249, 250, 253, 255, 256, 262, 263, 264, 269 in Italy, 282 of Kamerlingh Onnes at Leyden, 288-289 of Koch in Stuttgart, 285 of Ostwald at Leipzig, 278, 279, 284, 289 of Riecke at Göttingen, 279, 281 of Righi at Bologna, 285, 287 of Wiener at Leipzig, 277 insurance company, xxxvii, 300, 301, 303, 305, 308-309 MM on reasons for AE's difficulties, 320 secondary school teacher, 282. See also Burgdorf Technical School Thurgau Kantonsschule employment, temporary: insurance company, AE refuses, 255 private tutor, xxxvii, 256, 262, 269, 270, 272, 307, 334, 335 (see also Cahen, Louis Nüesch, Ja- kob) teacher at Winterthur Technical School, see Winterthur Technical School employment at swiss federal patent office. See Swiss Federal Patent Office family. See Einstein, Abraham Ruppert (grandfather) Einstein, Edith (cousin) Einstein, Elsa (cousin) Einstein, Helene (grandmother) Einstein, Jakob (uncle) Einstein, Hermann (father) Einstein, Ida (aunt) Einstein, Pauline (mother) Ein- stein, Robert (cousin) Einstein, Rudolf (uncle) Koch, Alice (cousin) Koch, Cae- sar (uncle) Koch, Fanny (aunt) Koch, Jette (grandmother) Koch, Julius (grand- father) Koch, Jacob (uncle) Koch, Julie (aunt) Koch, Mathilde (aunt) Koch, Paul (cousin) Koch, Raymond (cousin) Koch, Robert (cousin) Koch, Suzanne (cousin) Winteler-Einstein, Maja (sister) family background, winteler-ein- stein on, xlviii-lvi, 2n friends. See Besso, Michele Byland, Hans Ehrat, Jakob Frosch, Hans Gross- mann, Marcel Habicht, Conrad Savic, Helene Marangoni, Ernesta Maric, Mi- leva Niggli, Julia Stern, Alfred Winteler, Anna Winteler, Jost Winteler, Marie Winteler, Pauline Wohlwend, Hans health problems, lxiii, 213, 218, 222, 251, 278, 281, 290, 294, 296, 303 homes, einstein family. See Adlzreiter- straße 14 (Munich) Bahnhofstraße B 135 (Ulm) via Berchet 2 (Milan) via Bigli 21 (Milan) via Foscolo 11 (Pavia) Müller- straße 3 (Munich) houses in which ae boarded. See Äus- sere Schaffhauserstraße 38 (Winterthur) Bahnhofstraße 102 (Schaffhausen) Dol- derstraße 17 (Zurich) Fulachstraße 6 (Schaffhausen) Fulachstraße 22 (Schaffhausen) Gerechtigkeitsgasse 32 (Bern) Klosbachstraße 87 (Zurich) Thun- straße 43a (Bern) Unionstraße 4 (Zurich) jewish identity, lix-lx, 12, 282 maric, mileva. See MM, Relationship with AE, Personal MM, Relationship with AE, Intellectual mathematics, study of: abilities praised by Gymnasium teacher, lxiv n arithmetic, lxi, 16 algebra, lxi, 16, 23, 24, 39-41, 47, 49 calculus, lxi n, 4n, 46, 49, 214 calculus of variations, 47, 49, 212 deter- minants, 46, 49 differential equations, 46, 47, 48, 49, 212 Einstein, Jakob and, lxi elliptic functions, 47, 49 geometry, ana- lytic, 46, 49, 214 geometry, descriptive, 13, 16, 46, 49, 214 geometry, differen- tial, 46, 49 geometry, plane, lxi, 16, 23, 24, 29-32 geometry, projective, 46, 49, 212 geometry, solid, 3 grades, lxi n, 14 "holy geometry booklet," lxi n potential theory, 46, 49 primary school, lviii-lix secondary school, lxi-lxii spherical func- tions, 262 statistics, 46, 50 Talmey, Max and, lxi n, lxii, 3n theory of functions, 46, 49 theory of functions, AE's notes on Min- kowski's course, 61 theory of invariants, 46, 49 theory of numbers, 46, 49, 212 military service obligations: in Ger- many, lxiv, 20n in Switzerland, 277-278 music, study and playing, lviii, 290, 321 violin playing, lvii, lviii, lxii, 21, 22, 50, 54, 54n, 56, 56n, 57, 219, 245n, 249, 251, 262, 307n, 309n, 323. See also, Bach, Johann Sebastian Beethoven, Lud-