I N D E X 9 6 3 Reynold, Gonzague de (1880–1970), 308, 744 Rhodes, Cecil, 591 Ricci-Curbastro, Gregorio (1853–1925), 639 Ricci tensor, lxxv–lxxvi, 73n, 660 Richmond, Ernest T., 577n Richter, Hans (1888–1976), AE on invention by, 43 Ridler, Hilda, 578n Riecke, Eduard, 157 electron theory of metals of, 169 Riemann, Bernhard, 456, 533, 639, 675, 686, 809a, 887 AE unaware in 1912 of his foun- dational geometrical work, 638 Riemann curvature tensor, 660 derivation of, 484n, 692n from parallel dis- placement, 887 in Eddington’s theory, 662 in terms of connection, 707 Riemann’s surfaces, 303 Rienzi, Raymond de (1890–1970), xlviii AE eulogizes on meeting in Paris with, 393 on French press on, 509 offers his services in Paris to, 509n on threats on life of, 509 Righi, Augusto, 802a, 808a Rigid bodies, as constitutive for Euclidean ge- ometry, 662 Rignano, Eugenio, 821a Rischon Le Zion, 560 Ritz, Walter hypothesis on light velocity of, 288–289 theory of light, 180 Robertson, Clarence (1871–1960), 478, 811a invites AE to lecture in Shanghai, 811a Rockefeller Foundation, 471 Rolland, Madeleine (1872–1960), 790a invites AE to lecture to Ligue internationale des Femmes pour la Paix et la Liberté, AE de- clines, 137 Rolland, Romain (1866–1944), xlvii, l, 137, 269, 276, 465 AE says goodbye to, 529 on AE’s success in French-German reconcil- iation, 275 longs for AE, 17 on new international journal Europe, 275 open letter on Clarté and Barbusse, AE agrees with, 270 in Villeneuve, 413 welcomes AE toParis, 796a on working on a novel in Switzerland, 275 Romains, Jules (1885–1972), 275 Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad, 386 Roos, Hermann, AE requested to recommend, 301, 801a Hilbert recommends, 301 Rosenbaum, Bernard, 789a, 791a offers hospi- tality to AE in Danzig, 787a Rosenbaum, Th., 95 Rosenberg, Hans von, 824a IE on, 825a Rosenblüth, Felix (1887–1978), on Hausmann’s endowment for Hebrew University, 799a AE on, 312 Rosenheim, Arthur (1865–1942), 144 Rosenthal (?), 278 Rostand, Edmond, 271n Rotating disk argument, 880 Rotation, Schlick on, 469 Rothschild, Adelheid von (1853–1935), 254 Rothschild, Caroline A. de (1884–1965), 254 Rothschild, Edmond James, Baron de (1845– 1934), lxvii, 801a AE meets with, 254 sends letter to, 271, 284 Rothschild, Walter, 788a Rotterdamsch Natuurkundig Genootschap, in- vites AE, 437, 812a Rouvière, Jeanne, translator of French edition of Einstein 1917a, 808a Roux-Costadeau, Henri (1875–1946), 393, 839 Roy, D., requests meeting with AE, 796a Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barce- lona, AE corresponding member of, 584n Royal Dutch Academy, AE attends session of, 289 Royal Society of Science in Uppsala, AE ordi- nary member of, 801a Royo-Villanova, Ricardo, 587n Rubens, Heinrich, 162n, 791a proposes Bohr as corresponding member of PAW, 141n Rüfenacht, Hermann (1867–1934), 515n Ruffini, Francesco (1863–1934), 308 Ruge, Ludwig, 206 member of Kuratorium of Einstein-Spende, 317n, 810n Ruiz-Giménez, Joaquín, lxix, 585n Ruppin, Arthur (1876–1943), lxv, 558 Ruppin, Hannah, 576n Rusch, Franz (1880–1938), as prospective Chi- nese interpreter for AE, 478 Russell, Bertrand (1872–1970), l, lvii AE on po- litical views of, 52
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