C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 2 7 8 7 36. From Maurice Solovine 18 January 1922 Happy to learn that AE will send him the manuscript of Einstein 1922c for translation into French. Advises AE to take 15% royalty of book sales, and states he will take 1,000 French francs. Asks that AE contribute a book to his new series “Science et Civilisation.” ALS. [21 160]. 37. From Vieweg 19 January 1922 In response to Abs. 24, reiterates that the marginal notes suggested by AE will raise the price of production. Explains the structure of retail price. TLSC. [67 892]. 38. From BNV 22 January 1922 Requests AE’s signature to an appeal of the French League for Human Rights and the BNV to democratic groups in France and Germany for peace, security, and reconcilia- tion. TD. [82 577]. Vorwärts, 21 February 1922, ME. 39. To Johann Königsberger 23 January 1922 Asks for information on the instruments to be purchased with KWIP grants (2 November 1921, Vol. 12, Calendar), as well as on the planned research, with empha- sis on its physical aspects. TLC (GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34, Nr. 7, Mappe Königsberger). [77 792]. 40. IE to Vieweg 23 January 1922 In response to Abs. 37, asks for the contract to be completed. Encloses its corrected draft. TLC. [67 893]. 41. From Methuen 23 January 1922 Sends copy of Dingle 1922. Asks about progress on manuscript of Einstein 1922c. TLS. [42 198]. 42. From [Bernard] Rosenbaum 23 January 1922 Informed Conrad Lakowitz, Director of Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Danzig, of AE’s willingness to accept their invitation for March. Offers his hospitality. ALS. [43 503]. 43. From Paul Hausmeister 24 January 1922 Observed that when water was electrolyzed in a closed vessel, the developing oxygen and hydrogen could not dilate to their volume of about 1,869 times larger than that of the water they developed from, i.e., their pressure is 1,869 times higher than the atmo- spheric pressure. The electrical energy needed for electrolysis did not change with the pressure of the developing gas up to 350 atm. Offers an explanation for the phenomenon. Attaches the positive opinion of Friedrich Paschen, and requests AE’s opinion on wheth- er the process is worth patenting. ALS. [43 865]. 44. From Conrad W. Lakowitz 24 January 1922 [Bernard] Rosenbaum informed him about AE’s consent to lecture to Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Danzig (Abs. 42). Proposes 27, 28, or 31 March 1922. ALS. [43 504]. 45. From Vieweg 24 January 1922 Received revenue from publisher Nicola Zanichelli for the second Italian edition of Ein- stein 1917a. Transferred AE’s share of 7,706.70 M to account. Requests response on whether Italian retail price should stay at 8.50 lires. TLSC. [67 894].
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