9 6 2 I N D E X Redshift, Zangger on in Weyl’s theory, 341 Redshift, solar gravitational meeting planned on, 109, 132, 134, 142, 210 Regener, Erich, recommends Braunbek, 798a Reichenbach, Hans (1891–1953), 61, 288, 470, 798a criticizes Weyl 1921a, 165 sends proofs of Reichenbach 1922 to AE, 206 AE answers, 214 Reinstein, Adolf, AE financial help to, 785a, 800a, 803a Reinstein, Louis, 785a Relativity, xliii–xlv in agreement with laws of nature, 854 axioms of, 232 discovery of, 624 dynamics of, Langevin on, 413 effect of exposition of in Japan, 601 epistemological questions discussed with Ku- waki, 553 explained to Zangger, 341 four-dimensional spacetime, 878 general theory new, 555, 660–667, 705–712 calculations, 670–689, 695–696 general theory of, 476, 554 affine tensors in, 152 based on metric, 706 boundary conditions in, 639 confirmation of, 32 conservation theorems, 426 Einstein’s path to, 627, 637 exposition of, 879 expression of momentum and energy, 427 gravitational field equations, 28n, 883 hole argument, 26–28 incomplete for phenomenological character of matter tensor, 886 infinitesimal transformations, 152 Jaffe on mass in, 345 Kretschmann on general covariance, 214 as limiting case in unified theory, 710 matter tensor in, 490 modifications by Weyl and Eddington, 661 and Newtonian gravitation, 856a origin of, 456 point-coincidence argument, 27–28 relativity of mass, Jaffe on, 395 Schwarzschild solution and relativity of mass, 395 shortcomings of, 884 three classical tests, 883 vacuum field equations, 595 variational formulation, 662, 886 variational method in, 554 graphic representation of conceptual structure, 365n in Japan after AE’s visit, 828 lectures on, 31 literature in Japan on, 210 logical consistency of, 233, 234 misunderstood when said “everything is rela- tive,” 876 not a revolution but a translation, 883 not included in justification of awarding of No- bel Prize, 592 of masses, 434 principle of, first conceived, 636 principle of, in Japanese public understanding, 463 special theory of AE completed in five weeks, 637 AE’s path to, 636 analogous to thermodynamics, 875, 877 asymmetry in, 235 a deductive theory based on two experimen- tal facts, 875 mass-energy equivalence, 856 Le Bon on, 370 only an extension of Maxwell-Lorentz elec- trodynamics, 856 origins of, 875 principle of, 876 role of Michelson’s experiment, 626 stress-energy tensor in, 507 twin paradox, Besso on, 520 visualization of relativistic effects, 180 teaching of in schools, 822a as theory of principle, 855 Renner, Willy (1855–1922), 149 Reparations Commission, German delegation to, 225 Republikanische Freistudentenschaft, 144 Resistance, specific, dependence on tempera- ture, 170–173 Reverdin, Henri, invites AE to 3d International Congress on Moral Education, 813a Revista del Centro Estudiantes de Ingenieria, publishes Einstein 1916f in Spanish, 805a Rey Pastor, Julio, lxix
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